KSI Global Graphics Department Explained
This post may contains subjects of a Graphic nature
The Graphics Department in KSI is well known for being the place, in which captivating art is created. This, however is only a portion of what the team has to offer. If you have seen the awesome artwork adorning member profiles on Ksiforums.org then you may know more about this department than you think.
It’s all in the details
For those who are very in touch with their creative side, the Graphics Team helps people in KSI who join the team obtain Photoshop and learn how to create the artwork requested through the Graphics section on the website.
The creative genius’ behind it all
Leading this department as the Graphics Head is Taviola who has been a member of KSI for quite some time.
The Co-Head is KSI Dragons 7.
Graphic artists are Royal and inK.
Trial Artists are KSI McGoof, KSIHawaiianWolf, KSI Sinz, KSI Frostiie96, KSI Igan 7.
Picture perfect
On Xbox you run into a wide range of Gamer Pictures, some are very simple, others are more complex. Have you ever wanted one of your own? You choose the image that you want to see turned into something beautiful. Under the “Request” Area on the Forums, put in a “Request Form”. Be sure to read the “Section Guidelines” thread to make sure you are informed on the proper guidelines and format. Comment “bump” once daily in your thread to ensure your request is picked up by an artist.
Graphics is not only responsible for Gamer Picture requests, you can also request a plethora of images from them. Some things they create are: Divisional Banners, Forums Signatures, News Team article images, images for Productions and more. There is a minimum post count of 20 posts, be sure you have at least 20 before initiating a request.
Closing caption
If you are ever considering a Gamerpic or any Graphic images, look no further than our very own:A?http://www.ksiforums.org/forum/34-request/ our talented team of artists will throw a creative spin on any idea and paint your world with color(or black and white if you prefer).