Sat. Mar 15th, 2025

2019 Divisional Cup

The three month break is at an end! Competition is underway. Come read about all the ways you can earn your division points during the 2019 Divisional Cup!

It’s been a long three months. We’ve waited – patiently, at that. And now it’s time. Are you ready?


Today – April 1st – marks the beginning of KSI’s 2019 Divisional Cup competition. As most of you know from last year, the Divisional Cup will keep track of divisional participation throughout the year. Starting at Spring Break and ending with January’s Award Show, we will be ranking divisions each month by their participation in activities, growth, and officer staff ratio. These rankings will be added up and used to determine the 2019 Division of the Year!

The division with the most points at the end of each month will be named Division of the Month.

April 2019 Div Cup Events

As you can see on the chart above, a list of monthly events will be posted with the meeting notes and in the Div Cup area on the forums, so everyone can be aware of what will count toward points! Divisions can expect to see points counted for the usual events plus a couple of other categories weaving in and out throughout the months! Additional events will be added depending on what is happening in and around KSI for that particular month.

April’s DOUBLE POINTS category is Twitter Blitz! Stay tuned for dates and be ready with your Twitter.


Standard Div Cup Events

  • Tournaments & Events
    • Each member who attends a Weekend Warfare event will earn one point for their division. Members who sign up but don’t attend the actual event will not earn a point.
  • Productions
    • Productions will once again have the Clips & Montage scoring system. This will be capped out at ten points.A?Along with that, we will be switching it out on an every-other-month basis with Happy Hour attendance. This will be just like Weekend Warfare – each member who attends a Happy Hour event will earn one point for their division.
  • AAP
    • AAP will have a couple of categories that will sometimes be switching out as well, between the Divisional of the Month’s and Of the Month’s. Double points will also be offered during the Divisional Hall of Fame periods.
  • HSI
    • A couple of things you can look forward to seeing from HSI are the Top Recruiters of the Month and the Members & 7 Spotlight Awards! Make sure you are encouraging your divisions to participate!
  • Social Media
    • Something new coming to the Div Cup this year is the Twitter Blitz! This will be an event that is active for a random three to five days each month. A topic will be pinned to KSI’s twitter account and each member who comments will gain a point for their division. There will be a cap of ten points per division.A?Not following KSI’s Twitter?A?FOR SHAME!A?Join us here:A?
  • Graphics
    • Gfx will once again be starting up their Signature of the Week. A member who wins SotW will gain their division three points. Any member who enters a signature will gain their division two points. Any member who votes on a signature entered will gain their division one point.
  • Performance Operations
    • A change has been made regarding Performance Operations! Instead of workshop attendance counting towards the Divisional Cup, we will be including LEAD class attendance instead. Every member who attends LEAD classes will earn their division one point. (One point per member per month.) Along with Social Media and the Clips and Montages, this will be capped out at ten points.
    • Along with that, every other month theA?monthlyA?discussion will come into play. If a member from your division decides to give their input, they will earn their division one point. (Only one point per person -A?if they post more than one response, they will still only gain one point.)
  • News
    • Just like last year, the News Department is set on delivering interesting and funny topicsA?in their monthly “So You Think You Can Write” competition! Not only are these fun to read, but submitting a response will gain your division a point.
  • Clan Ops
    • Once again, a division can gain up to fifteen points for growth and proper officer ratios! If your division grows by ten members in a month, you gain ten points. Proper officer ratios (10 – 1) will gain you five points.A?


Same as last year…

KSI’s large events – Spring Break, Spirit Week, Fall Classic and Turkey Bowl – will count independently and figure into the overall scores, but not the monthly tallies.

Different from last year…

This year, Div Cup will be split into two halves. This means even if your Division doesn’t start off too hot in the first half, you can always give them a good kick in the rear at the start of the second half and finish off strong! Here is an example of how it will look, along with the standings so far.

2019 Divisional Cup Roadmap


I’m sure you all remember that Divine Warrior’s took home the win last year.. so as of right now, they are the Division to beat! I’m looking forward to seeing the activity and participation from all of you! 

KSI BadKitty 7

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