A Note From ImPyyy
A note from ImPyyy.
As 2019 comes a close and we gear up for 2020, I wanted to take this opportunity to pen a note to KSI.
I was lucky to enter this year as KSIa??s Chairman and CEO. I had been the CEO since last June when Fuzzy allowed me the opportunity and at the end of 2018, he entrusted me with the reigns to the community. It was an opportunity I felt honored and anxious to take on. I wanted to help lead KSI into the future, to be more adaptive to the members and the changing Xbox Live experience. Wea??ve taken a huge step forward and Ia??m thankful for all the work our leaders have put in to making KSI a more welcoming and fun community for our members.
We instituted the Leadership Council to allow for more open communication to improve the community and wea??ve re-evaluated our community rank structure and processes to make the community a more fun place to be. Ita??s been a big year and 2020 looks even brighter.
Even so, Ia??m disappointed. And for that I owe an apology.
I was ready to go coming into the year, but in January I was offered a job opportunity back in Alabama near my family. I was elated, but that began a nearly two-month-long process of relocating and settling. Then, when I became settled, I became preoccupied with a new, more demanding job, family obligations and re-engaged friendships that were on hiatus for the last five years.
Ia??ve made attempts to be more engaged in the community, but my time availability and my energy just hasna??t been there. For the last six months, the community has been running very well with a figurehead CEO.
And that is why I wanted to inform the community in this piece that come January 1, I will no longer be KSIa??s CEO.
There will not be an over-arching leader for the community –
- Clan Ops will be run by KSI Ronin 77
- Web Ops will be run by KSI RiiOT 7
- Department Ops will be run by KSI December 77
- The Omega and Servers will be run by KSI Ace 7
- The Leadership Council will be run by KSI Gambit 7
I will remain Chairman, overseeing Board operations and meetings. But those individuals are the highest authorities in their domains. They have shown great leadership and ability over the last several months and I fully believe in them.
But I am not as engaged or involved as I need to be to be CEO and I cannot make decisions or honest assessments about the community with my consistent absences. I will remain as Chairman at the request of KSIa??s Board of Directors and provide advice and mentorship to them, as well as anyone who needs to reach out. However, I felt it was important to explain the rationale behind this decision and the re-formatting of the Board. I also wanted to sincerely apologize for not holding up my responsibility.
Remember that regardless of how integral KSI is in your life or how integral you are in KSI, real life comes first and thata??s what matters.
I hope you all have a great holiday season and I hopefully will continue seeing you in 2020. Thank you for everything and keep on being the best community in the world.
– KSI ImPyyy 7