Sun. Mar 16th, 2025

AAP July 2014 “Of The Month” Winners

Congratulations to KSI’s best for being awarded the AAP’s “Of the Month” Award.

Hello one and all! Welcome to the announcement of the AAP “Of the Month” winners for July 2014. Here, we recognize the best of the best who showed their skills in KSI for their respective ranks, and worked the hardest to ensure the betterment of their squad, division, and even the overall community. Enough from me, though. You didn’t come here to see me ramble on about how awesome these people are, but rather you can here to SEE WHO ACTUALLY WON! So, without further delay, here you go! 🙂

Division Leader: KSI 30thMidget

Co-Division Leader: KSI Sinister 7

Founder: KSI PR3DATOR 7

Co-Founder: KSI Muramasa 7

General: KSI FuzzyFinS

Captain: KSI Spaghetti

LT: KSI Its Anarchy

Forum Staff: ImPeRiiiuM

News Writer: KSI Itherael

Member: KSI Vonner Meta


That’s right, these are your winners for this last month as those nominated in our thread. Now, make sure you congratulate A?these people before the little stick man above this paragraph gets upset and decides to jump out of this computer at out. Seriously, he’ll do it if you don’t.

Cheers, everyone.

AAP Department Head

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