Apply To Join KSI’s Departments Today
KSI’s Departments have openings and we want you to join! Get information on what’s available and what the deadline to apply is!
Many of KSI’s Departments have openings for new staff on the KSI Forums.
We created a section in September called “Join A Department,” which can be found here.
Within that section, every KSI Department that is looking for staff/members is represented.
There are two types of applications: Open Indefinitely and Open Temporarily.
If a Department is indefinitely opened, the application will be visible, but the thread is locked. Please read the instructions, which will tell you to copy the application and paste it into a new topic like you would fill out a Join Application for KSI Clan-Ops.
Currently the following Departments have indefinite applications opened:
- News Team
- Graphics Team
- Productions
If a Department is temporarily opened, the application will be visible and unlocked, with the deadline to apply stated in the headline. Copy and paste the application as a response to the first post instead of making a new topic.
Currently the following Departments have temporary openings:
- Tournaments and Events (Closing 20 Nov.)
- History (Closing Nov.)
- Marketing
If a Department is not listed, it is not currently hiring.
Spread the word and apply today to join KSI’s Departments!
(Reminder: Applications can be found here.)