Contribute to the News Team
The News Team is always looking for contributions from across the KSI community.
As we continue to improve the KSI News Team, we are always looking for ways to improve the product we offer the KSI community.
One of the principles we hold in the highest regard is the involvement the community can have in the department.
Of course, we’re always looking for writers. We’re looking for people who enjoy communicating, writing and performing an important role within the community.
The link for News Team Writer/Staff positions can be found here.
But what about the rest of the community? We want your voices heard as well.
If you don’t want to write every week, or your schedule prevents it, or if you only write when something really matters to you, don’t worry.
We would be happy to edit and publish articles and posts for you. All you have to do is notify the News Team Head with either your story idea or your completed story.
These stories can be about almost anything. Just ask yourself one simple question. “Why would KSI members want to read this?”
If you can answer that, write your story and submit it to me in a PM on the forums.
As the News Team continues to grow, expand and improve, the contributions from members not on staff will only expedite our plans.
Imagine the feeling of having the community read and comment on your story to let you know what a good job you did and the connections you can make while contributing.
Please consider this request, and if it reaches you well, please begin thinking about either joining the staff or contributing in some form.
This is KSI news for KSI members. Make it yours.