Wed. Jan 22nd, 2025

Department, Divisional, & Web Ops Hall of Fame: Fall 2022

Did you miss the inductions of the Department, Division, and Web Ops Hall of Fame? Don’t fret as we have everything you need right here!

As the end of the year comes creeping up like last nights Taco Bell, many important things happen in KSI. One of these things just so happens to be the Department, Divisional, and Web Ops Hall of Fame inductions. Some members may not know what this means exactly, so sit back and prepare to learn!

Every Spring and Fall KSI’s wonderful AAP team puts up a section for nominations of the Department, Divisional, and Web Ops Hall of Fame. These inductees are announced at both the Spring Break and Fall Classic Annual Events. There are some stipulations for a member to qualify to be nominated though.

  • Members must currently be in the division/department they are being nominated for.
  • They must be in the division/department for at least six (6) months.
  • Must be in KSI for at least one (1) year.
  • Not been blacklisted, security risked, or DNH’ed unless successfully appealed and overturned.
  • Must have KSI gamertag.

Now, this isn’t the only criteria that is used to determine an inductee. The AAP staff takes into account what each nominated member has done in his/her respective area. Whether it be new ideas put to use, obtaining an “Of The Month” award, or good leadership styles, several other things come into play.

The Department, Divisional, and Web Ops Hall of Fame is a hard circle to get into. It’s the best of the best leadership from every area of KSI. Some may even say the “elite”, if you will. But don’t let any of that scare you guys off. These are some of the most humble leaders to ever be inducted.

My own definition of leadership is this: The capacity and the will to rally men and women to a common purpose and the character which inspires confidence.

General Montgomery

Divisional Hall of Fame

KSI Nezuko – Chaos Syndicate

The awards that Nezuko has really doesn’t show the whole picture of what Nezuko has brought to CS, and KSI as a whole. He went from being this quiet, mild mannered kid, to the young man he is now with a voice that earns the respect of those around him. Several times he’s been the only other officer alongside Nyquil. Several times he’s been the only officer holding down the fort and keeping his squad whole. He never once complained about his duties, and always sought to be better however he could. He’s one of the most active people I know within CS, making his way around parties, the Discord chats, you name it. He continues to grow and become better with each responsibility he gains, and KSI is all the better as a result.

There were quite a few times when Oblivion was red lining on the verge of closing down, but this fine young man didn’t have quit in his vocabulary to even know it was an option. As part of the one two punch with Nyquil, they came out stronger, better, and built Oblivion into what it is today…a thriving squad that solidified its place within CS and KSI. He earned his way to now being the General of Oblivion, and continues to show great things each and every day. For these reasons, and many others, I believe KSI Nezuko has earned a very well deserved enshrinement in Chaos Syndicate’s Hall of Fame.

KSI Hatter77 – Wicked Destruction

So since I’ve transferred to WD in February from SL I’ve seen Hatter go above and beyond. She constantly pushes her members to show up to gamenights and/ or events. She’s constantly giving a helping hand to members when needed by having an open door policy. I know it’s in the COC but it’s not too common for a general to do that; She pushes her officers to get what they need to get done and then some, she’s also very  understanding whether it be KSI or personal life, and working with her officers when things come up in their lives.

Hatter is truly the Jack of all trades. She does gamenights, workshops, and helps run events while also being head of news, a part of the information team, and being a general. It is honestly refreshing to have a general who cares and puts in the work as much as Hatter does. Since I’ve joined I have seen a lot of Generals come and go over 3 years going on 4,  but by far she is one of the best generals I have ever met or seen. Hatter got Vanquish a squad split. No matter what was thrown her way she never gave up and she kept pushing for what she and the other officers and members wanted. 

Hatter is the driving force behind Vanquish. She inspires others to do better whether in real life or KSI. She doesn’t let people give up no matter how hard things get. She’s always trying to get people to realize that they can do it!! Hatter takes the time to get to know everybody, she takes the time to get better knowledge of the things someone may be going through, she takes the time to understand people and their situations. I’m happy to have her as my general, it truly makes me happy that I decided to transfer. It’s crazy how much of a difference a good general can make.

KSI Gambit 7 – Eternal Souls

Gambit, as the majority of this community knows him. I would like to nominate him for the ES hall of Fame. Personally, I truly believe this division would not be what it is today without him. I would not have become an officer much less been able to work my way up to a Co-Founder without his teaching time and patience. He helped me bring Hydra back when I first joined and moved up alongside me through the ranks. Let me tell you as a noob to the online community scene and Xbox as a whole he was hard to keep up with. He with his vision for this division helped to shape our individuality while not becoming a community within a community as many had feared.

Gambit is outspoken but also very in touch with the members in this division. He continues to help train and is always up for gaming with members. I don’t know what it is about him but we all love him like he is a part of our Real Life family. He’s the reason I persevered when I was ready to walk away on several occasions and I am forever grateful that I did. Gambit you have kept me calm when I wanted to rage. You have been the shoulder for me to cry on even when I didn’t want to admit I was crying. You have helped me to be a better person when I so wanted to just say F***k it im done. For those of you who don’t know, my journey here has not been all rainbows and unicorns lol.

There have been several times along my journey in which I was the scapegoat for others when something wasn’t going well. I can’t count how many times I have lost my cool and vented to Gambit in a not so good way and he just let me be and was there when I was ready to get back to work.  Sometimes when you care about something or feel deeply it’s difficult to see past how you are feeling. Gambit has been and continues to be the safe place for me to vent my frustrations or feelings. I would not be here if it were not for him. He deserves to be in the ES hall of Fame more than anyone I know and that is including myself. I hope to see you get this sir as I can’t think of anyone else more deserving.

Web Ops Hall of Fame

KSI Jewels – Forum Staff

Jewels joined Web Ops around November of last year. And during that time she’s put in the work to make herself a household name. She’s a major if not key factor in the running of the day to day operations of the area. She always has her “list” of things that are going on. These are daily things so it is safe to say she keeps up with everything. Aside from doing her daily duties she’s a person who likes to organize and host events which is the Web Ops Game Nights. Which is something that is exclusive to Web Ops. It gives the members a sense of belonging to the area and not just a sense of them being here to run applications. This has always been a plan of mine which with the help of Jewels and the Mods it’s become a reality.

Now as far as doing her job she does it exceptionally well! Whenever issues with applicants arises she doesn’t tell the Join Mod where they’ve messed up. She let’s them find their mistake and WILL TEACH THEM how to fix it which; is what we’re supposed to be doing here. She has even called me out on mistakes I’ve made while running apps. There has been a great amount of Senior Join Mods in this area. But Jewels is the first ever Nominee for DHoF at this rank as its usually been the Mods and higher but in my opinion she has set herself apart from past Senior Join Mods and she embodies what her name is and that is a Jewel but most of all she is the clear definition of mentor, a friend, but most of all a leader!

KSI xStar 7 – Forums Staff

Originally me and Star both became join mods at the same time. We both were looking to progress within web ops and we did. Star worked really hard as a join mod then as a senior join mod. Did she shine enough to be considered a Web Ops hall of famer back then? Yes, but, personal life issues happened so she had to depart from KSI. However in September 2021 she came back to KSI. Already she wanted to come back to web ops, and the next application period in November she came back.

She made Senior Join Mod yet again in January. As a Senior Join Mod, I was a forums Moderator, and I helped watch over the join area. So I saw exactly what she has been capable of, and she is and was capable of a lot. That’s what lead to web ops leadership trusting her to take on Senior Join Mod again. Her leadership within Web Ops has been unmatched the whole entire time she’s been in. As a Senior Join Mod, she helped teach and get Jewels ready to be a senior join mod. The whole time Jewels has been a senior join mod, star has always been there for her.

Star has been very important in join mod retention. Along with others she has hosted many game nights for everyone in web ops. I was always pushing for Star to become a forums mod, because of her hard work within the area. With little competition and to just to quote something she once said, “I kick ass”. Star is currently a Forums Moderator. She responsible for implementing ways to retain members (which has always been a difficult thing in the past). She is responsible for training some of the best join mods and senior join mod. With Star in web ops leadership, the area can only shine bright. Put her in the web ops hall of fame.

Department Hall of Fame

KSI Asuma 7 – Productions

How does one explain why this great man deserves to be in the Productions Hall Of Fame? Let me begin by talking about his involvement in Productions. Like any great leader Asuma has devoted hours upon hours making the Productions Department what it is today. Asumas time in Productions was filled with reshaping how things operated and focusing hard with communication and productivity. When I first joined the Productions team, I had no understanding of what streaming or editing was. Asuma was willing to teach me and show me and the Productions team everything we know and much more. I may not have been there through his whole production career, but I know he has done a lot by spearheading both editing and live streaming.

I still remember the first time I joined the Productions team and was very timid. He had a very chill vibe about him. I know because I can spot my own. Which made it easy to work with him and understand how everything works. It’s been a great pleasure to learn from him. I hope he never leaves or steps down it would be a great loss to our KSI community and if so then I know he’ll be ready for his next adventure promoting his own live stream which everyone should go follow and subscribe to his Twitch, @spades_gaming25… wink wink…But that being said in my opinion he is well overlooked and well overdue for this nomination. He gets my KSI stamp of approval!

KSI Paradox7 – APP (Awards and Achievements Program)

This was an incredibly hard decision to make. But if anyone deserves this honor at the moment it’s this man. My time in AAP hasn’t been the longest. But I can say since joining this Department he has been the one constant here. He helped revolutionize the way new members are trained by instituting a buddy system. He has helped train countless staff, and has helped me become a better member, mentor and trainer.

I can’t count how often this man has made time to hear out his staff; whether it’s a new idea, someone needing help, or just being an open ear. He leads by example and doesn’t ask anyone to do something he wouldn’t do himself. The impact he has made spreads through many members. I truly think without loyalty AAP would be a completely different animal than it is today. And I’m happy to be here to witness what comes next.

KSI Hatter77 – News

Hatter is by far one of the best News Heads we have seen in a long time. She gets her job done and does it well. Her team loves her and she truly puts in the hard work that is clearly seen. Her articles are always perfect and are loved by the community. Before she got News Head she put in a lot of work and was able to get several people involved in the Department, and continues to inspire her team. There is no one more deserving of this nomination than her.

To New Beginnings

The true mark of a leader is the willingness to stick with a bold course of action — an unconventional business strategy, a unique product-development roadmap, a controversial marketing campaign — even as the rest of the world wonders why you’re not marching in step with the status quo. In other words, real leaders are happy to zig while others zag. They understand that in an era of hyper-competition and non-stop disruption, the only way to stand out from the crowd is to stand for something special.

Bill Taylor

Let’s again congratulate all the members who were inducted into the Department, Divisional, and Web Ops Hall of Fame. They have gone above and beyond in their respective areas, as all of the nominations say. As leaders within this community, they are the founding blocks of what makes KSI work so well. Congratulations again members, and we can’t wait to see our next group in the Spring time!

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