Divisional Hall of Fame Inductions: Fall 2018
Check out KSI’s first round of Divisional Hall Of Fame inductees!
Fall 2018
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Dark Legions
KSIfiremomma7 – Division Leader
Recruit Date: 4/23/2016
Brought back DL from the brink of death, mentoring and training all of the officers in the division. A lot of the members of DL say that they wouldn’t be where they are without her.
KSI PROPHECY v7 – Co-Division Leader
Recruit Date: 6/28/2016
Worked tirelessly to rebuild DL. Successfully filled the duties of a division leader as well as acting general at the same time. Extremely dedicated to DL.
Demonic Mayhem
KSI FluffyPup 7 – Founder
Recruit Date: 11/30/2016
For about 3 months he was the only co-founder of a 300 member division. He runs the Education Discord server for DM. Always keeping morale high in the division. Consistently nominated for Of-The-Month awards.
KSI Joe 7 – Sergeant
Recruit Date: 7/31/2012
Widely recognized and highly respected. Consistently nominated for Of-The-Month awards for both KSI and DM. Runner up for Of-The-Year 2017. Stepped down for personal reasons multiple times and always climbs back up the ranks. Motivated and dedicated.
KSI Gruntier 7 – Division Leader
Recruit Date: 2/12/2017
Awarded outstanding service, consistently nominated and awarded of-the-months, runner up of the year 2017. Hopping in squads to grow and split them. Great mentor and leader.
Divine Reign
KSI xKing 7 – Founder
Recruit Date: 7/31/2013
Credited with bringing up DR to split and create CD. Looking forward to a nomination in the future for the work he’s doing in the future.
Divine Warriors
KSI Gary 7 – Director
Recruit Date: 11/13/2016
Worked with Ronin and Havoc to turn DW around from a failing division to one of the largest divisions in KSI. Won of-the-month awards for every single 7’s rank that he’s held. Highly respected and well known throughout all of KSI.
Explosive Outlaws
KSI Grimshot 77 – Division Leader
Recruit Date: 8/21/2016
Credited with rebuilding the division from around 100 members to over 300. Won Founder of the year for 2017 up against 9 other candidates. Respected and knowledgeable throughout the community.
KSI Skarzx 77 – Co-Division Leader
Recruit Date: 4/12/2017
Always getting members in his division involved in departments and in the division. Dedicated to EO above all else. Rebuilt a squad that was about to fall apart within 2 weeks.
KSIxPapi77 – Co-Founder
Recruit Date: 7/24/2014
Huge part of EO. Mentor to many members of the division. Previously awarded Outstanding Service. Brought back his division from the brink of death.
Eternal Souls
KSI Eyonia 7 – Division Leader
Recruit Date: 7/15/2017
Backbone of the division. Runs Gens and 7s meetings while the other leaders were unable. Single-handedly organized the division for spirit week. Carries the division on her back.
Forced Induction
KSI Silence 7 – Division Leader
Recruit Date: 2/16/2016
Mentor to many members within the division. Defended the division from attacks. Led the division, sometimes single-handedly, even when he wasn’t the division leader. Respected throughout the community and division. Split his squad and grew to double its size and was getting close to another split.
Last Strike
KSI Akame 7 – Division Leader
Recruit Date: 11/30/2014
Unmatched dedication to KSI. Previous member of the month. Outstanding service to the community. Helped recover the division after a mass exodus of divisional leadership. Taking charge instead of backing down. The driving force for LS reaching over 350 members.
KSI ODINN 7 – Co-Division Leader
Recruit Date: 11/26/2013
Extremely devoted to KSI. Takes the worst squads under his wing as a challenge to turn them around. Has successful squad splits from said dying divisions. Leads by example. PS Scotland’s got your back.
Wicked Destruction
KSI LEGION – Sergeant
Recruit Date: 12/14/2012
Long time member. Leader in his own right without ever having to add the 7 to his name. Stays true to his roots and is always there for everyone in the division. Referred to as the glue of WD. He’s just a cool guy, man.
KSI Kalakoi 77 – Co-Founder
Recruit Date: 2/20/2013
Revolutionized the way we communicate via Discord for not only his division but set a standard for KSI as a whole. From his leadership as a 7 staff member as well his ability to coach winning teams during head hunters , He changed WD for the better and will be inducted into the Wicked Destruction Hall of Fame.