Divisional Milestone Program – DMP
We’ve got all the links and the learns about the Divisional Milestone Program here!
Divisional Milestone Program – Basics
The DMP, or Divisional Milestone Program is pretty basic.
You know how you can earn awards on the forums for completing particular things, such as gamertag score or outstanding service? Did you know that your division can earn awards as a whole?
Well, now you do! That is precisely why the DMP program exists, to reward divisions for hard work.
DMP Awards
The awards featured for divisions currently have a wide variance in the level of difficulty to achieve. While some of the awards are as simple as winning the Weekend Warfare, some of the awards are very difficult to achieve, such as having 50% of your division representing KSI gamertags.
A few of the examples are as follows: win top 3 in any of the major KSI wide events, split 2-7 squads, win Weekend Warfare or Head Hunter matches, reach Flagship or Armada status, and many more.
The link to all of the awards available for your division is as follows:
Not only do we already have all of these awards, but we are always looking for more to feature. If you have an idea as to what we can award our divisions for, feel free to leave a comment for the AAP team to decide upon. Follow this link to leave a response:
Suggestions for New Milestones
How to Participate
Only the rank of Founder or higher is capable of posting up for new divisional awards.
However, anyone is allowed to suggest new ideas. If you see an award your division has not been awarded,A? you can simply communicate with your divisional leaders to see it done.
To see all divisions and their current awards, take a stroll through:
The Divisional Milestone Galleries
Get Excited!
Earning divisional awards through the DMP program will earn your division points towards the Divisional Cup! In case you haven’t heard, KSI is hosting a divisional level competition between every division in KSI. Participation in each different aspect of KSI can earn you those points, including the DMPs!
So make sure you keep your eye out for any awards your division may deserve and jump on the chance to be the division at the top!