DOTM Winners: April 2019
Sergeants, Lieutenants, Captains and Generals. The best of the best have been nominated. Come see which members won April’s DOTM Awards!
The AAP Department would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to the Divisional Leadership staff who took the opportunity and the time to nominate members of their divisions.
Listed below are those who have shown incredible dedication to the community over the past months.A?Please congratulate our April DOTM winners!
Dark Legions
- Sergeant: KSIevilyoshi34
- Lieutenant: KSI Dundarrach
- Captain: KSI Follow
- General: KSI SasquatchX
Demonic Mayhem
- Sergeant: KSI Tantrum
- Lieutenant: KSI TyraTreXxuS
- Captain: KSI UppishB
- General: KSI MeShell 7
A?Divine Warriors
- Sergeant: KSI Ragingone86
- Lieutenant: KSI Mikester IV
- Captain: KSI xMinion
- General: KSI Artifice
Eternal Souls
- Sergeant: KSI Banked
- Lieutenant: KSI Pathfinder
- Captain: KSI Nagisa
- General: KSI Jynxie
Last Strike
- Sergeant: KSi Vati
- Lieutenant: KSI Walnut
- Captain: KSI Kratos 18
- General: KSi Samurai
Sovereign Legacy
- Sergeant: KSI Snotty
- Lieutenant: KSixMid
- Captain: KSI Natsu 77
- General: KSI Kakashii 77
Wicked Destruction
- Sergeant: KSI EliJimBob
- Lieutenant: KSI Sir Eagle
- Captain: KSI Taywick 77
- General: KSIxRonl65
As we move on and start wrapping up this Spring, please stop by the AAP section and nominate your fellow members for OTM awards! It’s an awesome chance to recognize friends from across the community for the work they’ve done in KSI. Click on the link below:
Please message KSI AIRBORNE 7 for more information!