Forums Awards
Goals! We’ve got em, You need em.
Come get your goals here!
Totally Worth It
Here in KSI we feature a wide variety of awards for a great many achievements within the community. For those of you unsure what a forums award is, think of them like an Xbox achievement. You complete a task and get a reward on your forums profile.
In this article I will list a few awards that are easy to get, as well as a few tougher ones that have a certain notoriety about them that are definitely worth striving for. Whether a beginner or a pro awards collector, the AAP Department will have something for you to strive for. Gotta catch em all!

Setting Goals
Goals are important. For work, family, and even fun. I personally love the forums awards and use them to try and become more proficient in my roll here in KSI to better help those around me. For example, I set my goal to achieve the “Pro Recruiter” award and with that as my motivator I was able to bring in 60 new members into this community.
As JFK once said, “It’s not what the award can do for you, It’s what you can do for the KSI community.” Okay, I made that up, but the principal remains true. Utilizing these awards as goals to better serve the community we all love, is rewarding in and of itself. Lets look at some potential goals/awards for the novice forums members to the more experienced.
Getting Started
Beginner Tier awards: These are some of the awards that do not require a multitude of witnesses, and that are usually on the simpler end of the spectrum to obtain for newer members.
o Helping Hand: Member who has essentially helped someone out in KSI financially somehow. Whether that means you provided a code for someone to change their name or bought a game for a fellow member.
o Member Assistance: Someone who has helped 3 or more members with general KSI questions.
o Gamerscore Hoarder/Master/Collector: These awards just require an amount of Gamerscore on your profile, the only catch is you must have a KSI gamertag. The awards are for 20k, 50k, and 100k gamerscore.
o Ice Breaker: If you have nominated five different people for awards, and they have all been awarded, then you qualify for this award. There are also higher tiers to this award.
o Mentor: Requires 5 witnesses who can attest a member has mentored them, witnesses should go into detail about how the person is their mentor.
o Trainer: For an officer that has trained 30 or more people, requires a Co-Founder or higher as a witness.
o Forum Newb: 100 Forum Posts
How To Apply For Forums Awards
It’s pretty easy to be honest. There is a simple format that makes applying for your awards easy. Let me show you how and then I’ll provide a link so you can go get started collecting your own!
Format for the Post:
Name: (Your forums ID)
Link to Forums Account: (@yourself, seriously, it’s that easy)
Award-/-Achievement: (List the award/awards you are applying for)
Reason/Evidence: (Provide proof that you’ve earned said reward, via screenshot or statement)
Just click the button link below and click “Start new topic”, then use the format above and you’re on your merry way to collecting all sorts of new awards!
The People Behind AAP
It takes a lot of work and diligence to ensure people are getting these awards in a timely fashion while maintaining the integrity of KSI. Let’s take a moment and thank our AAP staff for all their hard work.
Head: KSI Airborne 7
Senior Staff: KSI Uppish, KSI Starset 7, KSI Taywick 77
Staff: KSI Itachii 7, KSI Codyo 7, KSI VENUM 7, KSI Jynxie 7
We appreciate you all and THANK YOU!
Article by KSI DREW 7