Fri. Mar 14th, 2025

WWII Happy Hour Recap – 1/12/18

Miss what went down in this weeks Happy Hour on WWII? Here’s a quick summary!


This week, Happy Hour was hosted by EO’s own KSI ShadowFoxx on Call of Duty: WWII. After an extensive period of lag and connection errors, the party finally was able to enter into a few games for the night.

Round One

They started their first game of the night with Free-For-All (FFA) on the map Flak Tower. They ran the Airborne division, with the primary weapon being the Kar98k (a heavy sniper rifle) with rapid fire and iron sights. Their basic training was Hustle, and their secondary being any melee weapon. They finished out the class with a throwing knife. This class led to some very interesting and melee heavy gameplay, accompanied by some impressive long-range iron sight sniping.

In the end, first place went to SpiritingSphinx with 30 kills. A close second place was KSI BooyahMonk with 29 kills, and finally, KSIxPapi77 came in third with 23 kills.

Round Two

The second game was another FFA on Ardennes Forest. For this game, the party ran any loadout they wanted. This meant the game was immediately filled with sweat and displays of each individual’sA?best guns. As a result, the game ended after a multitude of deaths with KSI Fireheart 7 coming out on top with 30 kills! Tied for second came SpiritingSphinx and KSIxPapi77 with 28 kills.

Round Three

This third and final game was yet another FFA match on the beloved map Sainte Marie Du Mont. Again, the players were allowed to enter the match with whatever weapons struck their fancy. This game was filled again with many deaths,A?lots of quick-scoping, and even more self-pride. Consequently, KSI BooyahMonk came in first with a clear win of 30 kills. In second place was KSIxPapi77 with 24 kills. Coming in last but not least in third place was SpiritingSphinx, with a grand total of 22 kills.


All in all, this weeksA?Happy Hour was full of massacre and destruction, with a healthy dose of connection error. This was a Happy Hour for the books, and well worth the watch. Click HERE if you’d like to view the stream!


KSI ShadowFoxx – Host – Productions – Vendetta 4th Captain, EO
KSIxPapi77 – Predator General, EO
SpiritingSphinx – Hellcat CPL, FI
KSI MagesticA?- Vendetta SSGT, EO
KSI BooyahMonk – Predator SSGT, EO
KSIxR3JECT3D – Hellcat SGT, FI
KSI Fireheart 7 – Productions – FI Co-Founder
KSI ToridestNut – Predator 4CPT, EO


Happy Hour is KSI’s way of showing those outside of our community who we are and what we do! It’s a way to display some friendly competition, exchange conversation, and just plain old have fun!

Our Productions team streams these events that take place every Friday. The only exception to this rule is that the last Friday of every month when we hold our Town Halls! Tuning into these streams allows you to ask any questions you may have about KSI or anything else that’s on your mind. When the 7s are all in one place, you get to see just how these leaders interact with each other. Happy Hour and Town Hall are not something you want tp miss! You can catch these streams after the fact HERE.

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