Happy SUBtember!
Have you subscribed? Now you can do it for 50% off! What are you waiting for?
Have you subscribed to KSI’s Twitch stream yet? If not, now is a great time to subscribe. Why? Because it is SUBtember again!
Starting September 3rd through September 24th, Twitch’s annual event is taking place and Subway has joined them this year to up the ante!

Happy What?
Let’s break down SUBtember and why you should check it out:
- New Tier 1 subscriptions made on a web browser or the desktop app are 50% off (gifted subs are not included and you cannot cancel a subscription just to resubscribe at the 50% off rate)
- Active and gifted subscriptions can be continued at 50% off
- You are contributing half the amount for your subscriptions, but the streamers are still getting the full value of your subscription support
- There is no limit to the number of times you can subscribe using the SUBtember discount
- When you use the limited-time sub sandwich Cheermote to Cheer 10 in any affiliate or partner channel, Subway is chipping in 10% more bits
- Subway is launching their own Twitch channel and will be gifting subscriptions in various channels
What all of this means is that you can support your favorite streamers and channels *cough* KSILive *cough* without contributing as much of your hard earned money!
Why do I want to subscribe to KSILive?
When you subscribe to the KSILive Twitch channel for at least 2 months, you become a KSI Donor and will be officially recognized for supporting our community!
Our KSI Donors’ benefits:
- Exclusive access to the VIP section on the forums
- A forums award!
- The opportunity to compete in the Annual Donors-Only Weekend (Check out our coverage of the August 2019 event: Day 1 Day 2 Day 3)
- The ability to have input into upcoming events
- Advance access to KSI news stories and announcements
- The awesome feeling of knowing that you are supporting our community!
For more SUBtember details check out Twitch’s SUBtember announcement here.
Be sure to subscribe to our Twitch channel!