Thu. Mar 13th, 2025

Head Hunters Week 2 Recap – 1/30/18 and 2/2/18

Take a look at the results from HH Week 2!

Welcome Back to Head Hunters!

As predicted, this season’s Head Hunters has yet to let us down! Rivalry, sweat, and sportsmanshipA?ravage the playing field as each division dukes it out for their spot at the top of the rankings. As always, more information on games, schedules, roster, etc. can be found atA?

Tuesday 1/3/18 Matchups

Final Strike (LS) and Wayward Desolators (WD) started the night with an exciting game. In the end, WD won with a clear lead of 75-53.

Forced Induction (FI) and Evolution (DW) came up next with a nail-biter. Neck and neck these two teams fought for the win. It all came down to DW taking home the win of 75-74.

Crimson Knights (CD) and Dark Legion (DL) went head to head. CD yet again is ruthless, pulling ahead with an amazing victory of 75-43.

Final Strike (LS) and Primal Predators (EO) squared off later in the night, but perhaps because of exhaustion from their W earlier, lost. EO took this win with a score of 75-48.

Friday 2/2/18 Matchups

Forced Induction (FI) and Demonic Mayhem (DM) put up a fight, but in the end, FI took this W for the night with a final score of 75-60.

Eternal Souls (ES) and Crimson Knights (CD) challenged each other’s skills, and ES put the Knights to shame with an excruciating win of 75-51.

Dark Legion (DL) and Primal Predators (EO) went toe-to-toe, and EO completely crushed the competition with a landslide win of 75-38.

Dark Legion (DL) and Final Strike (LS) ended the week out with a game that showed each team’s skill and stamina. You can watch LS take the 75-69 win HERE.


Yet again, Head Hunters brought us another week of excitement and amazement. We’re seeing the best of the best Call of Duty: WWII players in KSI showing us their skills. Week 3 is sure to be yet another great show of talent as the divisions start to really build rivalries. Stay tuned, it’s sure to be worth it!

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