Sun. Mar 16th, 2025

Help make KSI News better

Let us know what you want to read, what you want to contribute and what we can do to serve KSI better. This door is always open.

Hey, KSI.

We’re doing our best to give y’all news you want to read, but we need two things from you.

1) Your opinion on what you want to see

2) Submissions from you that we’ll publish under your name.

Tell us what you want to see more of. We only have a staff of 3, and we’re very busy. We contribute what we can on limited time to improve your KSI experience. So we need to know what to dedicate our news time to.

Also, we will always publish news written by KSI members. Is your division doing well? Is there an amazing leader you want to profile? Whatever it may be, write up something (more than 150 words) and we will edit it, polish it and publish it out for all of KSI to see.

We will also accept and publish responses to our pieces. If you want to vocalize your opinion about one of our opinion pieces, we will publish that as long as you keep it respectful and G-rated.

So, please KSI. Help us serve you. Help us make this a greater outlet of KSI-centric content written by and for KSI members.

Please message KSI ImPeRiiuM 7 if you want to submit a story to be published.

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