Sat. Mar 15th, 2025

Impy’s LeaderShop: Sharing

In this edition of Impy’s LeaderShop, we focus on sharing. Sharing both knowledge and responsibility to improve the health of your squad or division.

We all know that sharing is caring. That’s why this week’s LeaderShop is all about sharing.

But, in what way?

Please don’t share your germs, your crazy aunt or your Ebola.

No, just share your information and responsibilities.

See, everyone thinks that when they become a leader, they have to undertake all these massive initiatives to help or better the squad or division. In reality, you just have to KNOW what needs to be undertaken.

From that point, once you identify what needs to be fixed or improved, you take the lead and enlist help of others. The other people can be other leaders, hopeful future leaders, or even just the people who are content where they are. It really doesn’t matter, as long as you know how they can help.

Sharing responsibilities is a huge way of lessening the burden on specific people. Sometimes, leaders get so caught up on what they think they have to do alone, they end up quitting over stress.

But hey, your squad has quite a few members, right? You division has quite a few more, right? Utilize that and share some responsibilities with them.

But here’s the important caveat. You must oversee what they’re doing and help them along the way.

Remember the part about you KNOWING what to do? You have to share the knowledge with these members as they grow and mature so they can improve and go where they want to.

If you take all the power and responsibility and you don’t allow any of them to help out and spread their own wings, they will never develop and you will find yourself lost in the black abyss of the dreaded “to-do” list.

So if you share responsibility and knowledge with those around you, it lessens the individual burden while improving the knowledge base of those around you.

It’s a can’t-lose situation, and yet, not nearly enough leaders do this.

In fact, most leaders do one of the two opposites.

They either 1) take all the responsibility themselves and drown and flounder in it, or 2) they do nothing and only allow their members to do everything without teaching and training them while overseeing as they should.

If we can correct that and make it a team effort, more good leaders will emerge from these squads and fill in the vacant spots that may exist or be created in these squads and divisions.

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