July SYTYCW Winners
July’s SYTYCWA?topic was “Your KSI Resume”. Check out the winners here!
July’s So You Think You Can WriteA?topic was “Your KSI Resume”! We had a TON of awesome submissions last month. Honorable mentions go to KSI True 77 and KSI xKamikaze.
Congratulations to our winners -A?KSI Havoc 7 & KSI GreendayFox!
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1st Place Winner
KSI Havoc 7
Divine Warriors
1.) Make sure my members are having fun
2.) Promote growth, success, and positivity in Divine Warriors
3.) Mentor future leader within my division
4.) Through PO, build solid foundations within the community for lasting success for years to come
5.) As a member of HR ensure that leaders and members feel supported
6.) Achieve the rank of Chief Performance Officer
Since joining KSI on 10/22/12 I have been a dedicated member of the community. When I first joined i was very quiet and reserved, but thanks to some awesome leaders in the community, I slowly came out of my shell. I learned to be confident in my skills, and my voice, learning to lead my squad (Lethal DM) to succeed. I worked my way up the ranks in DM, helping build the division into a huge powerhouse at the time. I lead T&E to become one of the most active divisions in KSI while also working my way towards to director. Eventually I worked my way up to Senior Director, helping lead the community alongside KSI Greg 7 and KSI Chedderbob 7. As great as this experience was, shortly achieving the rank of CPO I was lucky enough to marry my best friend in the world and sadly had to step away from the community for awhile to focus on life. Now in 2018 I have found a new home in KSI, a great division called Divine Warriors, and have had a great time working with these amazing people. Since my return I have also been lucky enough to work with the community through Performance Operations and Human Resources. Super excited to see what the future holds.
Skills and Strengths:
Strong communication skills
Patient (most days)
Completed the following PO Certifications:
– New Member Certified
– Train The Trainer Certified
– Basic Training Certified
– Squad Leadership Certified
– Division Leadership Certified
Outstanding Sevice Level 2
Of The Month Awards
– General OTM
– Co-Founder OTM
– Co-Division Leader OTM
– Division Leader OTM
– Director OTM
– Senior Leader OTM
– Forum Staff OTM
Director of the Year
Lead 101 Graduate
Lead 201 Graduate
Work Experience:
Department Head of T&E (2 Years)
Department Head of PO (2 Weeks)
HR Staff Member (5 Months)
Chief Performance Officer (1 Month)
Senior Director (6 Months)
Director (1 1/2 Years)
Division Leader of DM (Many moons)
Founder in DW (3 Months)
Job Duties Performed:
Helped lead DM from 140 members to over 300 plus, with 9 squads at one point
Helped create one of the first Xbox One squads in KSI (Inferno DM)
Turned T&E into a powerhouse department boasting almost 20 staff, running multiple tournaments a week
Helped run spirit week 2015
Community Involvement/Volunteer Work:
Being there for any member of KSI that has needed someone to listen
Given name changes & games
KSI L10N 7
KSI Jupiter 7
KSI Greg 7
KSI Fuzzymeep 7
KSI ImPyyy 7
KSI Gary 7
KSI xKing 77
KSI Nebula 7
KSI Harmony 7
KSI xKamikaze
KSI x Artifice
KSI Fadez 7
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2nd Place Winner
Gamertag:A?KSI GreendayFox
Squad, Division:A?Hellcat, Forced Induction
Objective:A?*What are your goals here in KSI? What inspires you? Why are you a part of this community?*A?
My goals in KSI are to help grow as a member and to rank up to help inspire other members, as well as spreading as much knowledge as possible to make this community as big and great as possible.
Summary:A?*Write a paragraph about yourself, describing your abilities and skills (professionally, obviously)*
Being that I have been in KSI before I know what is expected of me and I have been in many situations where the issue was sensitive and had to take causion to a member wanting to leave or members not feeling wanted in the community. I have also been General multiple times and brought a dying squad back from the brink of death never been a Gen before and making it split. I have also brought up people within the community who were very skilled leaders and even if they aren’t around every member leaves a mark.
Skills and Strengths: *Make a list of any applicable skills*
Determined, Willing to do what is asked no matter how absurd, Sociable, Can think out of the box on touchy situations.
Education/Awards/Honors:A?*PO training, Hall of Fame member, Outstanding Service achieved, etc.*
Outstanding Service Level 1, Train the Trainer, Basic Training, and New Member Certified, L.E.A.D 101, KSI Mentor, Member Assistance, Helping Hand, Trainer, Lieutenant OTM (both DOTM and OTM), Captain OTM, Department Member OTM
Work Experience:A?*Last rank maintained, longest rank maintained, highest rank maintained, summary of where you’ve been *
Highest rank achived was General and it was my longest at 9 months. I started out in DR and I rose up to General of Judgement and raised that squad for 9 months moved to WI and rose to General of Abaddon, moved to IO experienced the division merge and made EO as a Lieutenant then moved back to DR as a Staff Sergeant and I left KSI for a Few years hen came back and now am currently a 4th Captain In Hellcat FI.
Job Duties Performed:A?*List of things you have done for KSI because of your rank*
I have basically given my all to KSI my time effort and money and I don’t regret doing that KSI has been a learning experience and I love helping members overcome fears of recruiting or even just talking more as a officer.
Community Involvement/Volunteer Work:A?*What have you done that is extracurricular from your duties? Subscribed to the twitch channel? Gift a name change?*
I have subbed to KSILive and I have gifted many games and name changed to other members in my time. I have also donated over $100 to KSI in my time.
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Check out the News Section on the forums to see the many ways you can get involved in the community!
August’s SYTYCW is “Your KSI Get Together” – hurry and post your submission today!
– KSI December 77 and the News Team