KSI 2015 Department Rundown
As we move forward into 2015, KSI’s departments have their sights and goals set high. See what we’re all about.
We want KSI members to know what’s going on around them – not just in clan-ops, but web-ops as well. As part of this effort, the department heads have compiledA? a list of departments with blurbs about 2015 goals.
Underneath each blurb is a link to the department’s forums area, for potential members/clients/users to look at.
LEAD: A?I know a lot of you have missed this program or are unfamiliar with it in general. A?All I can do is apologize for it’s latency. A?LEAD will be coming to you in the next few weeks hosted by myself and the Senior Directors. A?Please make sure that you are fully aware of your position and what it entails before you sign up, as the LEAD courses are not to “teach” members how to do their job.
LEAD stands for Leadership Enhancement Advancement and Development, and was created to establish the expectations of leaders, and to work on individual strengths and weaknesses of those who participate to develop more well rounded leaders in KSI.
LEAD Forums Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/forum/64-lead/
AAP: Here in the upcoming months, the AAP will be working towards improving the additional programs that they support. From bringing back the “Of the Months”, to improving the Divisional Milestone Program, we want to even better recognize the members of the community for their efforts.
With this being said, if you have any ideas to better the department, we have award, OTM/OTY/DOTM, and Divisional Milestone suggestions open to those who wish to contribute. The AAP stands for the Awards and Achievements Program, and the goal of the department has always been to make sure our members can be awarded and recognized for what they’ve done for KSI.
AAP Forums Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/forum/82-aap/
NEWS: Over the coming months, we hope to continue providing a coverage of KSI that no other news source can. Whether it’s Tournaments and Events, AAP, LEAD or Clan-Ops, we’re aiming to improve our coverage of KSI. To do this, we’re asking for interested individuals to apply. The advertisement of the department could be, and will be, improved.
As it currently stands, the department is under-staffed, and we have approximately eight (8) open positions. We have recently expanded our coverage from solely KSI to anything anyone can think of. Whether you want to write about gaming and KSI or world events and sports, there’s plenty of positions on the News Team to help get people involved in other capacities around the community.
News Forums Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/forum/19-news/
PRODUCTIONS: Our goal is to continue building upon the team we’ve grown over the course of a couple months to support KSI media. A?We will continue to host notable live streams, but also want to live stream more frequently and in a more predictable fashion (schedule). A?We need MORE content from members to produce edits and simply highlight solid game play the community may have.
We also use game plays as background eye candy to overlay with interviews we record. A?We also want to interview community members more frequently and across all ranks from the most senior to the most fresh recruit covering an array of topics. A?We are working hard to recruit for our very demanding and visible department.
Goals of these proportions absolutely demand manpower and commitment. There is NO limit to the amount of contributing members of Productions Team and therefore is always open for applications to be screened, processed, and accepted/denied.
Like News Team, we also encourage members to inform us of content they may have that is possibly worthy of hosting on our channel.
Productions Forums Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/forum/21-productions/
SOCIAL MEDIA: With our social media outlets, we plan on continuing and increasing the amount of posts that we have daily. This involves getting more information for promotions, posting up about department areas, and other social media as well.
We hope to advocate the usuage of more departments that are on the website, as already mentioned, so that members may have different reasons for getting on the forums each day. Also, with how the social media was utilized in Spirit Week last year, we could possibly do something again, but maybe with a little bit more innovation to it.
If you all can, please push the social media in meetings and just in general. We hope to amass quite a few more members following each media front, so don’t be afraid to tell another member about it
Other Departments
Courts: http://www.ksiforums.org/forum/12-court-area/
Internal Affairs: www.ksiforums.org/forum/150-internal-affairs/
Tournaments and Events: http://www.ksiforums.org/forum/164-tourneys-and-events/
Graphics: http://www.ksiforums.org/forum/18-graphics-design/
KSI QueenJess7, KSI Docness 7, KSI Doctor 7A? and Impy contributed to this rundown.