Sat. Mar 15th, 2025

KSI Events: September 2017

Get the low-down on all the events and more happening in KSI this month!

KSI Events

Throughout the entire week, every week, KSI is consistently hosting events.

Thanks to our marvelous departments -A?Productions, Tournaments and Events, News, AAP, and Graphics – we always have something to do.

Tournaments and Events

(09/28) Hydro Thunder (free game for Gold members) and Forza Horizon 5

(09/16) Destiny 2 and Halo 5

(09/23) 2v2 Rocket League and Siege 3v3 Secure

All T&E events are hosted at 8 pm EST unless the event is Minecraft or similar, then it will start earlier in the day, such as 4 pm EST.

Fall Classic will begin on the (09/29), there will be an article to include all of that information later this month.


Upload Studio Montage is open for the month of September and will be open until September 6th (tomorrow!). Please be sure to submit any montages of clips you have made or simply make one from stored videos on your Xbox. Anyone may participate, including 7s. Winners are awarded the “Clip Commander” award. You may use any video from any time. Next month’s competition will open at the end of this month, so make sure to keep an eye out!

Productions is currently in the process of advertising their new shows; Talkin’ Bout Things, Gary-ago, and Iron Madden.

Talkin’ Bout Things is a productions show that was started by KSI Impyy 7 and continued by KSI HHooters 7. This show is literally a dedication to KSI members. Watch to hear what KSI members have to talk about, try to be featured so that others may hear your opinions or ideas. This event will be uploaded to YouTube on Mondays.

Gary-ago is simply a show hosted by KSI Gary 7 and KSI Chicago 7. These two spunky people will go around KSI and game with people to have a good time. This show will be uploaded to YoutubeA?on Wednesdays.

Iron Madden is a show dedicated to KSI Chicago 7 finding fellow KSI members who play Madden and facing all of them off while keeping score of each of his games. This show will be uploaded to YouTube on Fridays.

Happy Hour

Happy Hour is obviously our consistent Friday night show that always airs at 9 pm EST with the exception of Town Hall which starts at 8:30 pm EST.A?TheA?schedule for this month is as follows:

(09/08) KSIA?HHooters 7 will be hosting Happy Hour on Black Ops 2.

(09/15) KSI Airborne 7 will be hosting Happy Hour on Modern Warfare Remastered.

(09/22) KSI Town Hall starts at 8:30 pm EST. This event allows for KSI members to ask questions about anything they would like. Whether there is a personal or business question to be answered, this is the time to do so! Keep an eye out for the thread on the forums under the Community Events section where you may post your questions.

ALL of these events are posted on the KSI calendar on if you are ever curious or forget!

All of our streams are uploaded to your YouTube channel: KSIGlobalGaming.


‘OTM’ nominations are up until September 9th, only 4 more days! Make sure to post up for leaders you have seen phenomenal work from to recognize them!

Winners will be announced by September 15th, as well as awards given.

Always keep an eye out for the next ‘OTM’ nominations to be open! They will open towards the end of September and stay open until the beginning of October. That way, if you ever miss a month, you can participate in the next month! It is super important to show these leaders that we recognize them because motivation is what KSI is all about!


The ‘So You Think You Can Write’ competition is now open for the month of September! The theme this month is “Ideas.” We want KSI members to share what they would want to see or what they would want to write aboutA?with ourA?News members.

Hopefully, these ideas will help bring in moreA?News members as well as encourage more people to take the time to read the articles our lovely News members write.

This competition will be open until September 27th, so there is plenty of time to go share your thoughts!

Winners will receive cash prizes as well as the “Write Right” award on the forums.


Graphics is now hosting a new competition; Sig of the Week. This competition allows for members who are not on the graphics team to create signatures to be voted upon by the Graphic team.

Each week, a new competition is created and the winner is allowed to create the theme of the next week.


Our departments do a lot for this community! Be sure to participate in anything you can participate in, these events for by and for the members.

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