Fri. Mar 14th, 2025

KSI History: Demonic Mayhem From the Roots

Dive in with us as we learn about the history of one of our oldest divisions, Demonic Mayhem!

Demonic Mayhema??s Beginning

Demonic Mayhem was started all the way back in June of 2011 when it split from Last Strike. At that time, and had not yet split, and because of this, DMa??s official creation was in September of 2011.

The first squads of DM were Lethal which was previously Encore LS, Rage which split from Lethal, Hellfire, and Menace which split from Echo LS. Within the first week that DM was officially created, it had a squad split of Lethal splitting into Fatality. Also, a new squad was created only a day later known as Raptor which was a battlefield squad! Today, Demonic Mayhem is KSIa??s 2nd longest standing division behind its creator division Last Strike. A notable aspect of todaya??s DM is all the previous 7a??s and stories. DM currently has 4 squads which are Discord, Insanity, Hellborn, and Cruelty, with Hellborn being the newest addition.

Demonic Mayhema??s 7s!

Demonic Mayhem has 4 7s at the moment and they are as follows!:

KSI BadKitty 7: Division Leader of DM who was recruited 11/06/16 and is also Head of T&E, Performance Officer, and a Forum/Rejoin Moderator

KSI Gruntier 7: Co-Division Leader of DM Recruited by KSI BadKitty 7 on 2/12/17 and a day before his 1 year anniversary of being in KSI was when Gruntier was promoted to Co-Division Leader!

KSI Igan o7: Co-Founder in DM Recruited by KSI Joe on 12/3/16 and was made Co-Founder back on 10/06/17

KSI BLK JAK 7: Co-Founder in DM Recruited by KSI SIXTHGUN 3/29/15

The Legacy of Demonic Mayhem

Since Demonic Mayhem has been around for so long, you see a lot of its members with 7s. This is what makes DM special, as this leaves many stories and legacies to be passed around in the division. This also causes for much history and pride to be taken. Our CEO, KSI FuzzyMeep 7, won ‘SGT of the Year’ when he was in the squad Brutal back in 2014! Another show of this is just how many notable leaders have been around in DM here is a list of some of them!

Some Notable Leaders:

KSI Greg 7 (Current Chief of Staff)

KSI Havoc 7 (Current DW Founder and previous Chief Performance Officer)

KSI L1ON 7 (Former Director)

KSI Jupiter 7 (Previous Head of Productions)

KSI Gambit 7 (Current Director)

KSI W1CKED 7 (Previous Director)

KSI True 7 (Previous Senior Director and Current News Team Head)

In Closing

While Demonic Mayhem may be the 2nd longest standing division in all of KSI, it still has a long way to go as it continues to stride and succeed with its great 7a??s staff and members.

The future looks bright and hopeful for DM just as it does for much of KSI!

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