Tue. Mar 18th, 2025

KSI History: Trading Places

KSI Trendies 7 and KSI Ronin 77 speak on their new experiences as Directors.


We have our interview with newly appointed Directors, KSI Ronin 77 and KSI Trendies 7. Assisted by our Co-Head of productions KSI Skarzx 77 and our head of News member KSI True 7 to discuss how they are taking to their new role within KSI and a little plot twist.

They have been placed over each other’s division.

a??Trading Places!a??

As normally practiced in KSI, when a new Director is promoted, they are placed over their current Division for a short duration of time. However, in this particular instance, they were promoted over each others’ divisions. We delve into what it’s like in their new roles and how they are adjusting to this new life.

The Guts

Each have been a part of their division for quite a considerable amount of time. I quote 3 years both witnessing the creation of their home Divisions.

One of the questions entailed a??What is it like to have to take such a big step away from your division that you’ve been with for so many years at this point? a?? Their response were rather interesting. Trendies spoke of how it is a whole new aspect, almost like leaving the trenches and stepping into the back ground of things a more a??hands offa?? perspective. However, Ronin spoke on the mentality being similar to a??leaving home for college.a?? It is an essential part of life, though at times tough on one personally.

They have now been over their new division a whole month. Naturally, I had to ask: a??In your short time over each new division, have you been able to learn from or teach anything to the members?a?? Trendies referenced the many times he has assisted KSI Ecko 77 in navigation of the forums. As far as what he has learned from EO, he needs to work on his Smite skills! Ronin mentioned that is not so much learning from the 7s of WD but learning about the 7s in WD, how they operate, who they are, personalities, their mentalities, and values. As far as what he has brought to the table for them to learn from, been working with them to reach their max potential in their current position so they can utilize all the tools available to them including their newest director KSI Ronin 77.

A Little Extra

I asked Trendies and Ronin about certain trends that have been following them around such as a??Grandpa Garya?? and a??WeOutHerea??. When asked, Ronin responded by stating a??It’s The Dreama??. Drawing the conclusion that these statements are trends, they are hype. They are what motivate people and drive them to do bigger and better. To a??stand for something, or fall for anythinga??. A note that any and all leaders can add to their book going forward.

We had a guest star in the party with us, KSI True 7. To capitalize on this and pick her brain a little bit into what made these two individuals shine in the light.

a??True, as Senior Director, what did you see prior to the promotion that lead to their promotion?a?? She blatantly responds, a??What up tho?a?? A little side humor for you all and a look into who True is.A? She stated how long they had been in their respective division and how that kind of dedication is commendable. She also referenced the stability they have each created with in their division and her excitement to see them grow as directors in the future.


In conclusion, we can only hope to see amazing things out of these two individuals as they continue to grow in their new roles as directors. If you see them out there in the a??trenches,a?? congratulate them on their new positions within KSI. Also, check out the interview it was live streamed and viewable at https://go.twitch.tv/ksilive/videos/all.

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