Mon. Mar 17th, 2025

KSI Interview: KSI Lafayette 7

KSI ToxicRain sits down for a conversation with KSI Lafayette 7.

The following is a Q&A session between News Team writer KSI ToxicRain and KSI Lafayette 7, the Division Leader over WI and Forum Moderator.

How did you first start off in KSI?

Lafayette:A?I’ve been here twice; I first joined in November 2012 Demise DL where KSI DarkSlayer1 recruited me into a Black Ops 2 squad. I had made some friends playing Tranzit, we hung out and then it all fell into place. KSI Calibrez was then my new name joining KSI. Demise was my home for a few weeks. Ending up leaving in January, and then joined back 8 months in WI.

How was it when you joined back? Was it awkward coming back into KSI for the second time?

Lafayette: When I first came back and I didn’t hold myself to a certain standard I do now. In August 2013, I was re-recruited into Fierce, WI and changed my name KSI Lafayette in September 2013. Immediately, I wanted to move up the ranks and showed I had skill.A?Not moving up the ranks as quickly as I did in DL was difficult. I wanted to move up fast. But eventually realized I needed to take time and move up slowly. And I did.

How was it going up the ranks in Fierce?

Lafayette: My general was KSI Rewind for a short amount of time, and then we had a new general KSIxVengenace, but he went inactive, so then we had KSI SixtyPlauge. KSI Pyscho was a good friend of mine and he actually recommended I move up ahead of him. We ended up having some members leave when I was a 2CPT, most officers, so it was difficult to keep our leadership up. More events came up and January 5th 2014 I became General of Fierce.

How was being general?

Lafayette:A?When I became General of Fierce, IA?did a huge de-fluff. We had around 68 members and dropped down to 48. A lady named KSI HappyFeet came in and recruited a ton of people, which gave us a ton of people to work with. Lots of officers came out of her recruits. KSI TopKiller became my first captain, then KSI Amburger as another captain. Then when I got promoted to Co-Founder of WI, Fierce had around 80 members.A?Fierce is still kicking butt to this day.

What would you say your hardest moment(s) in KSI was?

Lafayette: Learning what a RCT tag was, we didn’t have one for awhile. Becoming a Co-Founder, we had some hardships and our director wasn’t the most fair. The day I got promoted to Founder, October 6th 2014, I got issued the RCT tag. It was our first RCT tag so I had to learn what to do completely fresh.

What about best moments?

Lafayette: Becoming the leader of WI. December of 2014. I had a negative reason why I became promoted, my former division leader, KSI 3othMidget, had been an adviser for a month. He unfortunately wasn’t able to fill his duties because of college, so I stepped up.

Is there anyone in KSI that you wouldn’t be the same without today?

Lafayette: KSI Izzy 7. He’s my best friend. I didn’t meet him until I became a Co-Founder and he was a General. He was my first Co-Founder I promoted. He helped me shape my attitude in a way that helped me grow and didn’t shame me. I was able to hear his opinions. He was my right hand as a Co-Founder. He still is. He’ll be the one that succeeds me as a leader and I have no doubt that the division will be successful with him in charge. I wouldn’t be here without him. There are many situations I’ve gone through with him, and we’ve always had each other’s back.

If you could meet one KSI member and any celebrity, and take them on a trip, who would those people be?

Lafayette: I would take KSI Bubblez 7 and Otis Redding. He’s a blues musician and we would probably walk around with him, get some gummy bears. Maybe go to the beach. It would be our honeymoon, and Otis would be in the background playing some tunes.

If you could have any power what would it be?

Lafayette: The ability to read people’s minds. Or go invisible. I’d walk around naked all the time. I’d feel comfortable knowing what people are thinking. I’d want an on/off switch though, or else it would be a curse. To know when someone is going to do something that is going to harm me or someone else would make a difference.

If you could be any skittle color, what would you be?

Lafayette: Yellow. I think that’s lemon, and I like that flavor.

Would you eat yourself?

Lafayette: Hell yeah. I would only take nibbles in places I could hide it with a shirt. I wouldn’t want people to stare, but then again they would because I’m a skittle. Maybe I would meet other skittles. Maybe hangout out with some M&M’s, have some cross-cultural.

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