Fri. Mar 14th, 2025

KSI Member Highlight: DropShot 7

Co-Founder, Court Judge, Leader. Come read Hatter’s thoughts about one of DL’s finest – KSI DropShot 7.

In a community as large as KSI, members often come and go. Some stay only a short time while others remain a part for what seems like a small lifetime. In KSI DropShot 7a??s case, a small lifetime is just that.

The Beginning

KSI DropShot 7 was recruited into Rival TW back in July of 2012. When Twisted Warfare split to form Explosive Outlaws, DropShot transferred and started working hard in his squad Violent. He soon became a 2CPT. After making his high officer rank, troubles hit him hard in his real life. His mother, whom he is very close to, had 2 heart attacks within 8 days. Choosing to make family the priority, DropShot stepped away from the community to help his family recover.

He said, a??Looking back on things now, I would have changed leaving Clan Ops when my mother had her heart attacks. I know that the friends that I made then would have helped me pull through all the issues I was experiencing.a??

After a 6 month leave of absence, DropShot felt ready to come back. He joined Dark Legions but was not quite set to jump back into the officer ranks. He chose to join Department Ops as well – becoming a Court Judge, and then later AAP staff.

Starting college in 2015, DropShot found it incredibly hard to juggle everything, and rightfully so. This caused him to again leave Clan Ops and focus solely on Department Ops for a time. In 2016, he rejoined DL.A?At this time, Dark Legions was in a small pickle. The division was near extinction due to a severe lack of fluffing and members being left behind. This was the point when DropShot became an officer and set to work helping his newly merged squad Nemesis grow. With maybe 10 active members in Nemesis, DropShot became the General three months after becoming an officer.A?

a??My time here over the last 8 months with DL, I think, has been my most proud accomplishment in KSI. To be able to rebuild a squad from maybe 10 active members, to 60, and to help DL grow in numbers of over 100 members is amazing. To be able to assist in DLa??s growth and getting them on the right track makes all the time I have in worth it. Thata??s also my favorite part of this community. Meeting all of these new people who come into DL and KSI as a whole. You grow strong friendships with them that last for years on end. These friendships that I have made, honestly and ultimately, is the reason Ia??m still here 6 years later. I could never have done this without the help of the 7a??s staff though.a??

The Now

After 8 months of grueling work within DL, KSI DropShot 7 finally obtained the coveted rank of Co-Founder. He is currently a Co-Founder, Marketing staff, T&E staff, and a Court Judge. When asked about his current goals, DropShot gave a very humbling answer.

a??I just want to continue to grow as a leader. Learn all there is to know. I want to be able to train the leaders of tomorrow within KSI and help DL become the best division here.a??

Later on through our conversation, I brought out the big guns and asked DropShot the same question every leader gets: a??Whata??s the best piece of advice you could give to the younger members of our community?a??

To which, without missing a beat he said, a??Dona??t make the same mistakes I did. Stick around Clan Ops. This community is awesome, with hundreds of great people just waiting to grow a new friendship. Play as often as you can with others and stay active throughout your squad.a??

The Mentors

Being around a community for 6 years, one tends to compile a host of mentors. DropShot definitely has his own.

a??There were many people there for me through my journey to get me where I am today. KSI SourPeaches 7 and KSI Gambit 7 both sat with me and got me motivated to rejoin Clan Ops. They really pumped me up in prep of becoming an officer again. The 7a??s staff within DL obviously has to be there too. KSI Phrophecy 7 and KSIfiremomma 7 really helped influence the way I became a leader. And KSI TexAngel 7 helped me grow as a General. All of these members have contributed to who I am, and I how I do things today. Thank you.a??

The Reputation

KSI DropShot 7 is a well known name throughout this community because of his hard work in DL. When one of the Seniors specifically suggested the News Department interview DropShot, it was a no-brainer for us. I was able to ask KSI VeRiiTaS 7, a??What really stood out to you about DropShot?a??

He replied, a??Dedication. Hard, true grit. Ita??s no big secret that DL has been through some serious rough patches. DropShot, hea??s been huge with helping firemomma bring them around to where they are now. Even as a General, DropShot was stepping up, not just helping his squad, but others as well. If he saw a problem, he was there to help fix it. Hea??s risen to the occasion as a leader here in KSI, and has contributed greatly to DL, helping them through their hardships. When Ia??m looking to the future over there in DL. I can see DropShot continuing to be very instrumental in their success.a??

As a fellow member of this community, I look up to members like KSI DropShot 7. No matter what comes at him, hea??s always coming back from it better than ever. He is the what many members, including myself, strive to be within this community. From all of us here, thank you KSI DropShot 7, for all of your hard work. Thank you for setting an example!

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