Thu. Mar 13th, 2025

KSI Speaks: 7s discuss their experiences

Seven 7s in KSI discuss their experiences and share advice about leadership in the community.

Have you ever wanted to know how it feels to wear the glorious 7 tag? Have you ever wondered about some of the difficulties that go on for the higher ranks? Look no further; gathered here is a collection of answers given by a wide range upper ranking members and their experiences within KSI.

Gamer Tag: KSI FuzzyMeep 7

Rank: CEO

What has been the most rewarding part of being a 7?

At this point almost my entire KSI career has been being a seven, which can make it a little difficult but I would say the most rewarding part is helping out other members, whether it is regarding how to lead, inspire, teach, recruit, be a General or a Senior and watching these people move up in ranks and grown up in life and maturity and strength and confidence.

There is nothing cooler than seeing someone whom I’ve not seen in 5 years pop up in a party and is in KSI, or talking to old members who are now in college and I knew him when I was helping out with his math homework a few times a week or family issues… at the end of the day this community is and always is about the people and that is the most rewarding part

What has been your biggest obstacle to climb while being a 7?

Selling ideas that I don’t agree with or originally don’t agree with… I have a keen ability to sell most people on things to do with KSI that I believe it, however there have been times that I have needed to sell a story or a program or a change that I didn’t want or have interest in.

I have no problem with being able to argue most of my opponents arguments for them and know where they are coming from but it was definitely a learning curve when I first move to the ranks of public relations back in 08 and was now one of the main people to announce changes and new things to div leaders and what not.

If you had one thing to tell the members of KSI what would it be?

Expand your mind, read a ton, ask questions about anything that seems flaky, remember to use all the help areas on the forums, read the SoG’s and remember they are guidelines and not in stone. but everything written was written for a reason so if you have suggestions or whatever, please talk about them, go to the Open Door Area, invite me while I am on and if you have ever brought an idea to me you know its borderline the highlight of my day.

Use the rank structure and the rules to your advantage, don’t read the rules to figure out what you can’t do… read them to figure out what you can do. People tend to become a rank, be told the description and tunnel vision immediately. That kills not only squads and divisions, but that kills your creative juices and mental stimulation.

And my last answer is don’t hold grudges. Everyone deserves a second chance and a second shot. God knows I have done things that were not so appropriate in years past. I mean nothing too wild or damaging to the community, but still, and had I not received a second chance (due to the ever so lovely Worstplayer) I would have never lasted and who knows where we (KSI) would be today.

Gamer Tag: KSI Mpliers 7

Rank: Senior Director

What has been the most rewarding part of being a 7?

Seeing how members’ react when you assist them as well as watching people you promoted into beginning officer ranks reaching their potential and ranking up to general and higher

What has been your biggest obstacle to climb while being a 7?

Learning to step back and let people do things for themselves and get the experience and knowledge rather than you doing everything yourself

If you had one thing to tell the members of KSI what would it be?

Always think outside the box!

Gamer Tag: KSI True 7

Rank: Director

What has been the most rewarding part of being a 7?

Throughout my time in KSI, I have created relationships with the people that I’ve worked with and honestly, I feel most rewarded as a 7 when I get to see my leaders grow.

What has been your biggest obstacle to climb while being a 7?

I’ve always been a bit of a pushover; I’ve stated on numerous occasions that I lead with empathy. Being a 7 has forced me to put my foot down on numerous occasions and be the bad guy. Sometimes, it’s necessary.

If you had one thing to tell the members of KSI what would it be?

The most important part of being a leader is learning from your mistakes. Don’t let mistakes bring you down; don’t let criticism get you down. Learn from it.


Rank: Founder

What has been the most rewarding part of being a 7?

The most rewarding part of being a seven would have to be just seeing your division succeed and have fun at squad events. There is a point in every sevens career when they know they made it in KSI. For others it’s just flat out receiving the number behind our name. For me it’s knowing that something you put so much work into is paying off or will pay off.

What has been your biggest obstacle to climb while being a 7?

The biggest obstacle to climb while being a 7 would have to be the fact that I’m not only younger than most and that I’m a female. There have been a lot of instances where I have been looked down on just because of that. I had to work harder than most for respect. That’s the sole reason it took me so long to get to the place I am. But getting over the obstacle and earning respect was a huge relief.

If you had one thing to tell the members of KSI what would it be?

I have told this to many members and I will continue to tell them that what we have is a honestly a great big family. You don’t have to accept everyone else’s beliefs if you don’t want to but you need to be able respect that everyone’s opinion. Respect everyone, love everyone and know that you are loved is this great big family of KSI.

Gamer Tag: KSI xTheKing 7

Rank: Co-Founder

What has been the most rewarding part of being a 7?

The most amazing & rewarding parts of being 7 are being able to expand my knowledge in KSI & my leadership skills with everyone from all over.

What has been your biggest obstacle to climb while being a 7?

There has been a lot. The biggest one might have been when all my 7 staff had taken LOA’s & I had to pull together & run the division on my own. Not to mention it wasn’t long after our division got super poached.

If you had one thing to tell the members of KSI what would it be?

Being a 7 is amazing, but take your time and enjoy your time coming up the ranks. You will eventually make your way to the top.

Gamer Tag: KSI Elkram 7

Rank: Co-Founder

What has been the most rewarding part of being a 7?

Seeing the members grow and learn more about what it means to become a leader

What has been your biggest obstacle to climb while being a 7?

Being a 7 we constantly have many obstacles, such as disciplining your friends, making decisions that have major impacts on the entire division, staying un-bias and not taking sides etc.

If you had one thing to tell the members of KSI what would it be?

Don’t give up. Keep your head up and keep marching forward. The only true obstacle you have in this community is yourself. Always embrace the suck, because there is going to be a lot of it, but in the end it is all worth it.

Gamer Tag: KSI Commander 7

Rank: Co-Founder

What has been the most rewarding part of being a 7?

I can have more of a direct impact in the KSI experience of more players in my division than I could as a General. As General, you have to guide every member of your squad, officers and members, and they all expect you to be present for them, which you try to be. But as a 7’s, even with the “Open Door Policy”, people don’t message you as much as when you’re a Gen.

True, you are still in contact with many, but your interaction as a co-founder is different than it was as a squad general. I like to be of assistance, to share my experiences, and to assist any that needs assistance. When you get to a position where you are entitle to put a 7 at the of your KSI gamer tag, it changes people vision of you. Of course you must be a better role model, but it opens you many doors in your division and out of it

What has been your biggest obstacle to climb while being a 7?

Matching schedule with the other 7’s in my division. My abilities are limited as a co-founder and some of my actions are limited by inaction and inability of my fellow 7’s to act. I must wait for them to have the time to work on their part of the “job”.

If you had one thing to tell the members of KSI what would it be?

Be professional, have fun and if your way of seeing things through doesn’t differ from, or go against, the KSI ways, then follow your own path and be true to yourself. It worked for me. And I have an extravagant personality.

Now I don’t know about you, but these seven people’s dedication, pride, and over all love of all things KSI, are some of my strongest influence to strive to always best the best person I can be both in KSI and outside of KSI.

They’ve help influence others to learn and love all aspects KSI even when they had lost their way. I would like to Personally thank ALL who hold the 7 tag for being who you are and helping make KSI the great community it is.

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