Fri. Mar 14th, 2025

KSI Speaks: Back To School Edition

FadeZ 7 hit the streets last month to get members’ perspectives on how to balance school and work with Xbox. Read what people had to say!

The Topic

Hello KSI! School is now officially back in secession. It may be the beginning of the semester for you or your children, or you may be going BACK to school for the first time. No matter what the case is, we can all relate in some way to the stress and hectic nature that the school year can bring. Especially how it affects our wonderful hobby of gaming!

We decided September’s KSI Speaks question would be related to this. Our question was specifically –A?”What is your favorite school subject and how have you balanced gaming with school previously or currently?”

Here’s what people had to say!

The Opinions

KSI Majesty

“My favorite school subject was workshop. I balanced it by getting all of my school work done first and for the most part, I had fun”

KSI Nebula 7

“Well, school has always been something to focus on. I love Math and Science, with Astronomy/AstrophysicsA?being in the mixture!A?Being able to balance school and KSI can be difficult and heavily stressful. Sometimes, I’m in school doing work and something KSI-wise will come up, and it takes my focus away from my work.A?But mostly, if you do your work inside of school and finish everything before the due date, it helps a lot to not have homework or activities constantly on the mind when trying to hang out with your members. I’d say school is the most important and definitely focus on that before anything else!”

KSI Bane

“I like Science. Ia??m really bad at balancing gaming and school together. When I get home from school, I get on Xbox. If I end up doing my homework, ita??s in the morning before my first class.”


“Oh boy, my favorite subject would beA?Psychology. When I first joined KSI, I was in my senior year of high school and I didna??t have to worry about much. College on the other hand…that was a challenge. The biggest thing I did to balance was to communicate with my fellow leaders when I needed to focus on school, for things such as an upcoming test, midterms, finals, etc. I also budgeted my time so that when I was on, I was using that time effectively.”


“I quite enjoy woodworks.A?I don’t currently go to school, but I work full time, so I balance my gaming with work. I play at least 2 hours before 3:30, then I get back home at 5:30 and usually play till 11-12 at night”

KSI Courtesy329

“My favorite subject in school was, and still is, Global History. Ia??m currently going to a trade school in Tennessee. I balance gaming, school, and work by getting on after I get off work for at least 30 minutes. I try to talk to people to make them feel better. I rekindle friendships that Ia??ve had since I joined almost 3 years ago, and honestly, doing that has helped me so much. This is because those people have started to do the same, and Ia??m proud to say that I started a positive thing in such a big community!”


“My favorite school subject was science. Previously, it wasn’t much to gain when I was growing up since we had Nintendo, Sega, and Atari. We Balanced it by going outside more.”

KSI December 77

” My favorite school subject was, and still is, science. History was a close second. Learning about REAL stuff was my favorite. It still is. I was an ok student, not a genius by any means. I had to work my butt off for A’s and B’s. I think my all-time favorite class was Anatomy & Physiology my freshman year of Undergrad. It was fairly straightforward, hella interesting, and the lab didn’t last 3 hours like Chemistry or Physics. As far as balancing gaming and school goes…haha. Well, I honestly never really got online if I had schoolwork to do, or a practice to go to. (No offense community, love y’all). I usually just worked hard to get everything done as fast as possible, then whatever time left I had in the day, I used for KSI. Sometimes that meant some pretty late nights. School now is a good bit harder. Definitely takes a lot more self-discipline and time management. Sometimes it’s difficult to balance real life and KSI, but I usually see that as a challenge. A challenge to figure out how to do something better or faster. This community is like an “every day vacation” for me when real life gets busy.”

KSI Kakashii 7

“Oh hell lol. History class was my favorite. It’s nice to know a lot about history, and to see it reflected in some of the World War fps games. Knowing a lot about the history of the wars helps immerse yourself better into the game. IA?used my study halls and lunch periods to finish my homework before I even got home so I had the evening to play with my Xbox buddies.”

KSI BloodSaber75

“I haven’t been in school for just over ten years. But yeah, when it comes to gaming and work/education, I think everybody needs to be figuring out a balance that works for them. Nobody wants to be all work and no play and being all play no work will likely have a negative effect on someone’sA?financial situation or education. This, in the long run, will still affectA?ones financial situation. I personally find that completing chores, studies, training for work, or exerciseA?before I relax and jump on my Xbox, works better for me. I feel better about sitting down for a couple hours on my XboxA?knowing that everything I needed to sort out is done. Plus, nobody wants to come home, get into relax mode, and then have to go back into work/study mode.”

Well folks, this month I got an awesome inside look at our members school experiences and how they related to gaming. For me personally, I always loved History and was really good at it. I think you can learn a lot from it and get some great perspective. Back then, I would limit myself on gaming and honestly, didn’t play as much while I was in school.

Thank you all for joining us with the monthly KSI Speaks!A?I will see you all next month with another hot topic! Check out our upcoming KSI Speaks articles here: KSI Speaks Topic Schedule. Message KSI FadeZ 7 to get involved and give your opinions!

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