KSI Speaks: Halloweeeeeeen
This is Halloween, pumpkins scream in the dead of night!
This is Halloween, trick or treat til the neighbors gonna die of fright!
Double, double toil and trouble…Fire burn and cauldron bubble…
It’s that time of year, pretty people. October is almost over and Halloween is literally TOMORROW. We took the time to ask our members what they liked about the spookiest of holidays. Here’s what they said…
What’s Your Favorite Thing About Halloween?
“I like taking all the grand-kids out and trick-or-treating. Or Halloweening. Or whatever you wanna call it. My favorite costume I ever had was the Wicked Witch from Wizard of Oz.”
KSI XoSenpaiXo
“The candy and the memes! Because Halloween memes are the best!”
KSI HarmfulMel
“Seeing all the different creative costumes that people put their little ones in.”
KSI FireHeart 7
“Oh Halloween. It’s the season of tricks and treats but it depends on which you like more. For me, it’s the tricks and scares that make Halloween fun. Dressing up as a ghoul or monster of many varieties and thinking of new ways the give a good old fashioned scare is the best part about Halloween. When the kids are out trick or treating and gathering candy – that is the most opportuneA?time to give a good scare and have fun. Yes, Halloween is the best time to scare and give treats…”
“My favoriteA?things about Halloween – or All Hallows Eve – is that children can dress up as their favoriteA?super heroes, computer game characters and all around scary and spooky things. You can also take it upon yourself to organizeA?a party for adults who get the chance to dress up in character and be a sort of child again. BUT the main thing being that the children can go trick or treating and hopefully come back with a lot of candy.”
KSI Artifice
“The creativityA?that some people have with their costumesA?or even their haunted houses.”
KSI Skychild
“Getting free candy, decorating houses and going to Halloween parties.”
KSI Hatter 7
“Halloween was never really one of my favorite holidays as a kid, as my mom didn’t really do much with us. That’s changed a lot now though. I’d have to say my favorite thing is seeing the look on my kids faces when we walk around at night. The “ewws and ahhs” that they give out for costumesA?and houses that are made up really excite them. And ya know, happy kids make a happy momma!”
KSI Karisaur
“What I enjoy most about Halloween is the atmosphere. Between the horror movies and haunted houses, everything seems to have an eerie vibe! Also dressing up randomly throughout the month makes it fun.”
KSI WaviestSnow
“I love to decorate with my mother. It’s our favorite holiday to decorate for.”
KSI Raven12
“I like to see the creative costumes and scare people.”
“All the holiday spirit – the fact you can go door to door to strangers houses and get candy. I like it more now that I can take myA?kids out and take them door to door showing them all the cool costumes and really nice houses. It’s pretty cool.”
KSI Scotland 7
“I don’t have the time or money to stop and go buy candy to give out to strange kids. Their parents can just stop being cheap and go buy them their own candy. My favorite part about Halloween is turning my lights off and pretending nobody is there.”
KSI Akame 7
“The nostalgia part of it. Remembering what we used to do as kids and how we enjoyed it. Trick-or-treating, the awful costumes we used to have. Costumes kids have nowadays are ridiculous. After a certain age you realize that Halloween means something completely different for adults. A sorry excuse for people to dress up as something they’re not, I guess – if you know what I mean.”