Sat. Mar 15th, 2025

KSI Speaks: Hidden Talents

Do you have hidden talents? Our members do. Some are cool. Some are weird. Some are…well. Come read for yourself.

“What are your hidden talents?”

This is a reasonable question to ask. A hidden talent is something not many people know about you or that is not a publicly known fact.

I have several hidden talents. Writing music lyrics is a big part of my life. I have been into words and writing my entire life. I was the kid who used their summer breaks to practice her cursive handwriting. My other talent would be that I am very good at memorizing large elaborate words. My not-at-all-hidden talent is that I love puns and movie quotes!

I went to our KSI audience to ask a several people what their hidden talent was. The results were clever and some of them made me giggle quite a lot.

The Community Speaks

One of my hidden talents is that I am pretty great with directions. If I’ve been to a place before, I am like 98% certain I can get there again without help. I had almost memorized the route itA?took to get from Florida to Tennessee (to get to my parents house) after about 3 trips. It usually ends up about being a 10 hour drive there.

KSI Siggy

Well to tell you the truth, I enjoy being goofy as my Gamertag says. I enjoy hearing others laughing, although I’m probably not all that good at it!

KSI Goofy Dooper

I don’t think I really have a hidden talent but I do write short stories. When I am bored I create character designs and books. Don’t know if this answers your question or not.


Mine is that I am a Classical, Musical, and Opera singer.

KSI MagicShadow

My hidden talent is drumming.

DropShot He1Cat

My hidden talent… I would have to say I am really great with kids and that they look up to me.

KSI Tiger 77

My hidden talent is that I’m a halfway decent impressionist. You haven’t met the real me until you’ve met Brittany, Jacumba, Andrew, Toby, and Lau Ming. It’s something I don’t do for a lot of people, but sometimes when I do jokes I like to give them a little more punch with a different voice and perspective behind them. I’m a little into role playing, and acting and can get totally locked into a character.

KSI Folkstyle

I do not know if it is a hidden talent but, Ia??m pretty good at archery!

KSI ShyMedic

I do not exactly know what kind of talent I have. So more of a hobby, I guess but I have helped a lot of people with electrical work because of my small hands.

XNun Ya Bidn3ss

My hidden talent is being mediocre at every game I play. I mean, it’s hidden to me, but obviously not everyone else.

KSI Saint Pablo

To find the good and beauty in the odd and peculiar.

KSI Jynxie

My hidden talent would have to be that I can draw. Oh, and I’m pretty good at balancing a soda can on it’s edge too. That has to count for something right?


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