Fri. Mar 14th, 2025

KSI Speaks: Holiday Traditions

Many people have Holiday Traditions with their families. KSI Bacchus found some traditions for KSI members that will leave you going “Aww!”.

Throughout the year, traditions are made in every family. From who carves the turkey to how many decorations are placed upon your Christmas tree, holiday traditions are usually there from childhood into adulthood. Though for some, this is not always the case. Sometimes adulting can get in the way of these traditions and they become lost to time itself. Though, these folks that I talked to feel differently about that.

‘Tis The Season!

KSI Grogu 7

When this Chaos Syndicate member was asked about his favorite holiday tradition, you could tell his eyes were alight with many memories from his childhood as well as into his adult years.

“Traditions during Thanksgiving would probably be my most favorite. A good and close friend of mine taught me how to deep fry a turkey before he passed away. Among that, he taught me a lot of things that have stuck with me to this day.”

Not only learning how to deep fry a ginormous bird, he would also take away something special from his grandmother: the usual icon during all family get-togethers.

“Getting the recipe and learning how to make deviled eggs from my grandmother have kept memories alive for me. She always had her own special ingredients that she used to make the dish. Just recently, my wife made some and they were as close as I’ve tasted to what hers used to taste like.”

Being the father and husband of a family brings KSI Grogu 7 great joy. Especially starting new traditions with his own children.

“My wife and I started a few traditions of our own with my kids. We started doing the Elf on a Shelf along with opening advent calendars. We also open one present on Christmas Eve and the rest of them on Christmas Day.”


One of the up and coming officers in Eternal Souls sat down with me for a chat on his holiday traditions. You could tell his holiday traditions are rooted deep, yet somber with the possible coming years.

“We usually visit our cousins during the holidays, along with my grandparents. We used to live closer. Now they live 6 hours away so we can’t always see each other. So that’s started to become a tradition for us. We don’t think my grandparents will be able to make the long trips any more, so our cousins may start coming up to see us.”

With many festive activities happening around the holidays and different traditions going on, KSIxxr3b3l was asked what a normal visit would look like.

“We would go hunting on a deer lease that my family had at the time.”

KSI Hero 7

Holidays come big and small and in many variations! Be that traditions or food, the culture around this time of year can be wondrous. Especially in the case of KSI Hero 7 from Sovereign Legacy …

“We have the normal stuff you see at Thanksgiving and Christmas. Turkey and ham. Though, we also do chicken. In our family, mashed potatoes are the side item of choice. We also make a special salad called mayo salad.” 

Think macaroni or pea salad, for those wondering.

Being Brazilian, KSI Hero 7 was asked if the food culture was prevalent in his background and what foods are a must have.

“Oh yes! Arroz doce (sweet rice pudding), brigadeiro (chocolate fudge balls), and farofa (a type of toasted corn flour) are all mainstays of the Brazilian holiday season.”

Not just food is enjoyed in his household, just like with any family, sports are enjoyed after or even during the meal.

“We watch soccer and football. We’re huge fans of the Brazilian team, if you can’t tell. Usually after watching the games and eating, we’re still in a celebrating mood so we go outside to play some soccer. It’s a lot of fun.”

KSIxAsuma 77

Just like Hero, the same goes with the Department Head of Productions – KSIxAsuma 77 …

“Our favorite tradition during Thanksgiving and Christmas is the morning breakfast. We usually eat a Middle Eastern fried bread called flibi. Normally eaten with powdered sugar and syrup, Crisco is used to fry it to that nice golden brown color.”

That’s not their only tradition in the house, as like others they love to spend time with relatives on both sides of the family.

“On Christmas Eve, we spend time with my grandmother on my mom’s side. Also, my wife’s family always brings their kids and their spouses/kids to a certain store, Smith and Edwards, and buys them their Christmas gifts.”

KSI Akame 7

Those across the pond have their own ways of doing things at times. Though, the Christmas spirit is still prevalent during this season.

“I can remember playing chess with my granddad a lot when I was younger. An annual Christmas game was always looked forward to.”

“He would also leave a present for me at the foot of my bed. Sometimes it was hard to get to bed at night, anticipating that moment the next morning.”

Warmest Of Memories

Not everyone has the same holiday traditions as the next. Personally, my wife and I celebrate Halloween and watch The Nightmare Before Christmas on Halloween and Christmas.  Though, I know we can all share one thing in common: the love of family and those we call family. Thank you for taking time out of your day and giving this a read. Hopefully, we’ll see each other again soon.

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