Fri. Mar 14th, 2025

KSI Speaks: What weapon would you want?

KSI Speaks: If you could have any weapon from any game in real life, what would it be and why?

In KSI Speaks, we will be asking a handful of KSI members an open-ended question and record their answers. We hope we get Social Media responses too that we will run in the following edition, so this is YOUR chance to be in the news!

This week’s question is a tricky one.

If you could have any weapon from any game in real life, what would it be and why?

Leta??s see what people had to say.

Parable – Corporal/Fear DM

Uh, Portal Gun, without Question.

KSI GalaxyHuntr – Sergeant/Velocity FI

The hidden blade from Assassin’s Creed, only because it’s hidden and I’m a hunter.

KSI RED EyEss 7 – General/Honor GZ

The one shot weapon from Gears of War 3. It’s a big ol sniper.

KSI Terrors 7 – Co-Founder/DR

The Lancer from Gears of War. Quite possibly the best multi-purpose tool ever.

KSI Paratroop 7 – Chief of Internal Affairs

Halo energy sword most deff. It’s like 5 items in one similar to a Swiss Army knife. It’s a blade, a night light, maybe you can cook on it, it’s a motivation builder because of the shiny colors, and you carry it on your person at all times”

So what about you? Feel free to comment below or post on social media and let us know your answers!

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