KSI Speaks: New Year’s Resolutions
New Year’s Resolutions are really important for a lot of people. We wanted to know what yours are, so we asked! Herea??s the response – courtesy of Hatter 77.
The Question We Ask Every January
During the holiday season, we all have holiday traditions we observe. A very common one people of all ages continue to carry on is the well known “New Year’s Resolutions”. Everyone seems to want their next year to be different. They strive to do better at life in general or they have goals they want to achieve. We love hearing about the specific milestones people have set for themselves!
This KSI Speaks question is – “What is your New Year’s Resolution?”
(I’d like to apologize in advance for December’s opinions on each quote. We literally cannot control the guy.)
The Resolutions
KSI ShaynePain
“Resolution – protect my country.”
Many, many thanks for that. And to all our members, prior and active military.
“To be a better father to my son.”
Mad respect.
“To have more self discipline and learn to stand up for myself. To put my own well-being first rather than constantly trying to be a people pleaser, and to be more mature and be a better listener.”
I hear ya there. Admirable goals, for sure. Step 1 though – get some slippers so your feet aren’t always freezing. If you can do that, you can literally accomplish anything.
“My New Year’s resolution is trying to make a baby in 2019.”
Only one way to do that! Just remember, you can’t return it to the store if you get tired of it. Good luck!
KSI Galahad
“More drink and less accidents.”
This expressed opinion does not in any way reflect the opinions of KSI Global, the News Department, News Staff or its affiliates. We encourage you to ALWAYS drink responsibly.
KSI Bane 7
“My New Year’s Resolution is going to be to spend less money. In 2019, I’m gonna be more responsible with money!”
Do you even Dave Ramsey, bro? But seriously though, I hear you on that. Money management can be hard.
KSI DarkQueen 7
“My Personal goals are to finish Cosmetology school, make more friends and to find myself. My KSI goal is to be the best General for my wonderful squad. I’m determined to get my Co-Founder position back and no one will get in my way of that…maybe even go higher. You never know what life is going to throw at you.”
That last statement is definitely true. (On a separate note, wouldn’t it be cool if life threw pancakes at you?)
KSI Grifful
“Make a bigger effort to split my squad. Maybe get a gym membership and try and bulk up.”
Good luck with the squad split! Hit me up if you ever want to talk lifting. Gym nerd, reporting for duty.
KSI Phinixx
“Next semester I want to keep my grades a solid B and to do 200 mitzvahs in the coming year.”
Good luck with the first! And the second? Not sure what mitzvahs are.
Just googled mitzvahs. “Refers to a moral deed performed within a religious duty. As such, the term mitzvah has also come to express an individual act of human kindness in keeping with the law.” Definitely good luck with that too!
KSI TexAngel 7
“To be a better person. To take more time for me and my family.”
Love all three of these goals. And I just wanna say, Tex ACTUALLY made time to play ONE game of Black Ops 4 with me. Made my year.
“Try and cut out fast foods from my diet.”
More power to you, dude. Hella hard to resist the burger.
KSI xMidnightx
“KSI – Go back to being an officer and serving my peeps. Life – fix my eating habits and be great to my woman.”
Man got his goals straight. Seeing lots of resolutions having to do with food and diet. Proud of y’all!
“I want to become a better father, a better partner to my lady. I want to make more strides in my professional career and be a better leader. For KSI, I want to help y’all grow and split the Banshee into two groups (the best I can). That’s what I want to be better at for this year.”
This was my favorite resolution. By far. Good luck in 2019, my dude.
KSI Fear Meta 7
“To try and be the best in DM each month, get a house with my wife, to get the gang back together to play again and continue to be #1 in Halo in KSI!”
Hey! At least you’re humble about it. Cheers!
KSI Jynxie
“To be able to aim better than a Stormtrooper.”
I literally love you for this.
KSI Dabbasaur
“I would have to say trying to be more social. To try and get to know more people in KSI and to try to an event like Comic Con!”
I hope that works out for ya man! It’s an awesome community. Would love to see ya around more!
KSI Nagisa
“My KSI resolution is helping Snipe build a good officer staff and hopefully this time I’ll be the next Gen of Angles, maybe. But I want to make sure everyone in the officer staff knows everything by book and I just want to take off the pressure off Snipe.”
Sounds like KSI’s Batman and Robin duo in the flesh. Good luck with Angels guys!
KSI Hatter 77
“I personally have several resolutions. KSI-wise, I want to become the best General my division has ever seen and to continue to grow within this great community! In my “outside of gaming” life, I want to explore more of the United States with my kids. We love adventures and seeing new places, so with a new year, this is perfect!”
Travel. Finally someone saying something about travel. Yes. Get it girl.
We really hope you enjoyed seeing what goals other members within our amazing community have set for themselves! I know I did. Insight into another person’s life is a wonderful thing and it can make you think about what’s really important to you. Thanks to the members who came out and participated! If you’d like to see what your peers have to say about other topics like this or if you want to get involved yourself, drop by the News Section on the forums or contact a News Writer with your ideas!