January 2018 KSI Town Hall Recap
If you didn’t get to catch this Town Hall, this article has you covered!
What is KSI Town Hall?
Town Hall is a place where members are welcomed to post their questions and suggestions on the forums. In-turn giving the opportunity for the senior leadership who attend the stream to answer said questions. Town Hall is a great place for new and old members to really see where KSI is headed. It is also a good way for our leadership to show members the vision they have for KSI as a whole.
Town Hall January 2018
This year KSI started off strong with the first Town Hall of 2018! Plenty of good questions were asked, resulting in a great kick-off to this year! The people who attended the Town Hall this month were the likes of:
KSI Ace 7
KSI ImPyyy 7
KSI FuzzyMeep 7
KSI Veriitas 7
KSI Paratroop 7
KSI Ronin 77
KSI Greg 7
KSI Ragnaroks 7.
The first question that was asked by members was pointed towards Greg. a??What is the biggest goal/achievement you would like to achieve within KSI this year?a??. Greg answered by saying:
a??I think our goal would be to crush that 3000-member ceiling again and to have 2 divisional splits this yeara??. Ace also answered by saying.a??Revamp the Access Denied, clean up the forums, and possibly move them to a more efficient servera??.
The question was asked of the Marketing Team, a??What specifically are they working on?a?? The Co-Head of Marketing KSI Veriitas 7 replied:
a??Marketing is currently working on internally marketing Departments and Web Ops to Clan Ops. Obviously, we will be continuing to improve. We also are going to be trying to work with members for charts on upcoming events, as well as tracking activity within each division in regards to those departments. Then hopefully with the new social media outreach expedition (SMORE) that wea??ve started with the help of ImPyyy, we can reach more people. Through social media, we can reach those who follow KSI and possibly do external things in the future. Ita??s really limitless and it is a matter of where we take it. We are just figuring that outa??.
Hopefully we will be seeing Marketing making leaps and bounds in 2018.
An interesting question was asked: a??Which of the divisions do you think will surprise you this year?a?? again, Veriitas replied stating that he thought it would be Last Strike (LS). Greg then stated Demonic Mayhem (DM) and Explosive Outlaws (EO) both have really great chances as well. He also said that DW has lots of potential, and FI is putting a show together. Ronin ended the conversation saying that he thought CD had a good chance as well. We could see them grow back up to where they used to be after their split last year.
Which division do you think will surprise us most in 2018? Leave your reply in the comments section below!
Town Hall concluded giving us things to look forward to in the future. It was amazing to see the amount of knowledge sitting in one party. Tune in next month for the next Town Hall! You can also watch the stream after-the-fact HERE!