Wed. Jan 22nd, 2025

KSI Weekend Events: April 8 and 9

There’s an interesting twist to this weekend’s KSI event schedule. Click for information!

This weekend in KSI, there will be the same lineup of events there is every week, but with an interesting twist!

On Friday, the KSI Weekly Update will kick things off at 7 p.m. ET on the KSI Twitch. The topic of conversation this week will be “Challenges Leaders Face.”

We hope every viewer comes with ideas and questions for the panel.

Now, on to the twist.

At 8 p.m., instead of the typical 7s vs. Viewers, there will be a surprise event that will be announced later this week! The event will be streamed on KSI Live as well, but it will be something a little different than normal.

On Saturday, Tournaments and Events will be hosting Weekend Warfare on Halo 5.

The competition will be a Halo 5 Free-For-All. Sign-ups for the FFA will be on the Forums. It’s hoped that the FFA will also be streamed on Twitch at KSI Live at 8 p.m. ET,

Spread the word about the events, and if you have any suggestions about Weekly Update topics or other events we can run and stream, contact KSI Mpliers 7 or KSI ImPeRiiuM 7 on Xbox or the Forums.

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