KSI Weekend Recap: Weekly Update and Rocket League
Watch the KSI Weekly Update and read the Weekend Warfare recap.
Weekly Update
The KSI Weekly Update started the weekend on Friday with a secret surprise topic. The topic, revealed at the beginning of the show to both the panel and the viewers, was food.
Favorite food, best dishes, weird food cravings, etc. The panel discussed it all.
And while they were discussing food, most of the panel made their way over to Rocket League to play a 3 v. 3 private match in preparation for Saturday night’s Weekend Warfare Rocket League event.
To watch Vort3x talk about how he makes awesome grilled cheese, DemonicWidow talk about her love of pickles, and Impy destroy everyone in Rocket League, watch the video below.
Weekend Warfare
For Weekend Warfare, KSI Tournaments and Events went back to Xbox One Rocket League. Rocket League was a favorite during Spirit Week, but connectivity issues blunted a lot of the fun in June.
So T&E took the opportunity for a do-over.
Nine teams signed up from the double elimination tournament and the entire tournament was streamed through the KSILive Twitch channel.
The best team in the tournament was never really in doubt.
Last Strike’s KSI LondonXBL and KSI DrDeath rolled through the winners bracket, never winning by less than two goals.
LS’ team got off to a good start in the first round against a Board of Directors/FI-hybrid team in KSI ImPeRiiuM 7 and KSI XxSPIDERxX.
After losing the first match, Impy and Spider made it through the losers’ bracket for a rematch in the championship game.
The first round match was a 4-2 LS victory and the championship rematch was 6-1 in favor of LS too.
Final Standings
1st – KSI LondonXBL and KSI DrDeath (LS)
2nd – KSI ImPeRiiuM 7 and KSI XxSPIDERxX (BOD/FI)
3rd – KSI WarHead and KSI Ronin 77 (EO)
Watch the 3rd-place game and the finals here.