Sat. Mar 15th, 2025

KSI’s Divisional Hall Of Fame

We are excited to announce a new addition to KSI’s portfolio — The Divisional Hall of Fame!

The Process

We are excited to announce a new addition to KSI’s portfolio – The Divisional Hall of Fame!

Members make impressions and differences every day at the divisional level and, thanks to the ingenuity of KSI member KSI Skarzx 77 and the AAP Department, we have decided to implement an official Divisional Hall of Fame across the community.

The process will run similarly to KSIa??s a??Of the Montha?? and a??Of the Yeara?? awards. There will be some minor tweaks, including the nomination periods and the nomination process.

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Current Members

This process will happen twice a year:

1) Fall Classic in September

2) Spring Break in March

You will only be allowed to nominate one person in YOUR division. You cannot nominate a member of another division or if you are not active within ClanOps. To be eligible, the nominee must meet the following baseline criteria:

  • Must currently be in the division they are being nominated for
  • Must be in the division for at least six (6) months
  • Must be in KSI for at least one (1) year
  • Must have been awarded Outstanding Service Level 1 through the AAP
  • Not been blacklisted, security risked, or DNHa??ed unless successfully appealed and overturned
  • Must have a KSI gamertag

Please make sure those criteria are met. You can confirm that criteria by visiting their profile and looking at their awards tab or by asking the person you are nominating. The nomination process will occur within a specially made section similar to KSI’s DOTMs and each division will have its own thread for nominations. Each nomination will earn your division a point for the Divisional Cup for September.

When the nomination process ends, the AAP will confer and select up to three inductees per division. They may choose less depending on testimony and evidence provided. Previous OTM/OTY/Award nominations will be considered when going over nominations. The inductees who are selected will be announced at a KSI-wide Live Stream on the Final Day of Fall Classic in late September and Spring Break in late March.

Some tweaks may occur before the nominations open but here is the template you will be provided to use:

Nominee Information
  • Division:
  • Gamertag:
  • Link to Profile:
  • Nomineea??s Current Rank:
  • Has Nominee been in this division for at least six (6) months?
  • Has Nominee been in KSI for at least one (1) year?
  • Has Nominee been awarded Outstanding Service Level 1?
  • Please list other awards this member has received:
  • Why does this member belong in your divisiona??s Hall of Fame?

Retired & Ex-Divisional Members

Retired Members may be able to be inducted throughout the year by applying in the AAP section. They will submit a normal AAP post following the usual award template and witnesses will be outlined in the form.

We will use a similar process for Directors, Seniors, etc. who are still in the community but not currently within the division they made their ascent in. If the strength of the witnesses is to par, they will be inducted on the spot following an AAP vote.

Current Hall of Fame Members

Current KSI Hall of Famers will be retroactively inducted into their division’s Hall of Fame.

Display of Divisional Hall of Famers

Divisional Hall of Famers will be displayed for eternity within the Clan Ops Information Center, with blurbs from the testimony provided during the nomination process.

Becoming a Divisional Hall of Fame inductee is no minor accomplishment and we will proudly display their gamertags for future generations of KSI members to look at as an example of what a great KSI member is.

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So that’s the system! We will review the process periodically to see if any adjustments are needed. The first nomination period will be from August 20 – September 15, with winners announced during Fall Classic.

Thank you for your support and happy nominating!


KSI ImPyyy 7
KSI Chief Executive Officer

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