Legendary Warriors: Samurai Squad!
KSI Kamikaze708 shares the present state of KSI Samurai LW, a prequel to his next history segment: Samurai history.
Hello, everyone! First of all, I’m KSI Kamikaze708, Captain of Samurai, Legendary Warriors. Our squad is a Battlefield 1 based squad. I’ve been in A?KSI since January 31st of this year. I met KSI D3Kr1pt3d after a game of Battlefield 1. As a result, I was recruited into Legendary Warriors Samurai Squad.
It has been a great experience helping build our squad. Samurai is a solid squad, with great personalities.
If it wasn’t for the support of three great leaders in KSI, this dream of being part of a great community wouldn’t have come true for me. Consequently, I will always look up to KSI X Karma, KSI Cozmic Gary, and KSI D3Kr1pt3dA?for their professional advice and compassion for their squads. I couldn’t have made it to Captain without you. Rest in peace KSI Reaper.
KSI Cozmic Gary took over the Samurai when there wereA?only 48 members. He worked with great diligence to grow the squad to 70 members before being promoted to Co-Founder. Furthermore, the amazingA?recruiting skills of KSI Dekripted, the next general,A?helped growA?the squad, while passing those skills to the sergeants and officers throughout Samurai. Most of all, his fantastic leadership will drive the squad. We have great officers in our squad that are willing to train and promote in the blink of an eye.
After a lot of hard work and dedication, our squad will most likely be splitting in the very near future. We are in theA?promoting stage toA?obtain a fullA?officer staffA?so that we will be ready for the day it happens. We are growing stronger everyday and are very proud to be part of Legendary Warriors.
In conclusion. our recruiting skills are getting better with the newer officers and average about 1 a day. I’m looking forward to growing with the squad and the history team and KSI Global. We have a great future ahead of us.
Recently, we have made aA?KSI based chat called KSI LFG/Gamenights. This is a chat where all members of KSI can go to find members in any divisionA?within KSI to play with. The chat has really taken off in the last 14 days. I have met so many new members within the chat and it is growing stronger everyday. If you are interested in joining this discord chat reach out to me on the forums.