Master Chief Collection stability patch arrives
343 Industries has released a stability patch that will improve the online features of Halo: The Master Chief Collection. Finally.
343 Industries has released its latest update for Halo: The Master Chief Collection, which will finally fix the majority of the games matchmaking issues. Yes you can breathe a sigh of relief!
The Halo Waypoint blog explains the update and next time you get on be ready to download the latest update which focuses on matchmaking, party stability, title-specific improvements, and more. Below is a rundown of whata??s included in the update:
-A variety of updates to improve matchmaking performance and success rates
– Improved matchmaking search times/time to match
– Improved stability throughout the matchmaking process across all titles Parties
– Improved party stability
Halo 2
– Made improvements to multiplayer shot registration
– Improved campaign stability across a variety of levels
– Addressed stability issues for matchmaking and custom games
– Fixed issues around resuming H2A Campaign from a??remastereda?? mode
– Improved medal display consistency
Halo: CE
– Fixed issues regarding aim assist which resulted in the reticle being pushed away from an enemy
– Improved shot registration consistency between host / client in peer-to-peer custom game matches
– Resolved a variety of UI inconsistencies, including team color randomization, medals, and in-game scoreboard display