Member Spotlight: The Doctor Is In! (Part 1)
KSI Doctor 7, recent Hall of Fame inductee, shares his KSI history.
Doctor gets Hall of Fame
Hello! As some of you may know, KSI Doctor 7 was inducted into KSI’s Hall of Fame! This is a great ordeal, and I am excited to say I got the chance to sit down and interview him. Starting out the interview, I asked Doctor how he felt to make it into the Hall of Fame.
Taking time to ponder, Doctor replied, “Honestly, my goals for the endgame was to get into the Hall of Fame, become an Admin, and be on the Board of Directors. I feel wonderful. KSI is something I strive to be better in, as well as allow myself the ability to help the community and others. This lead to where I am now.”
The Journey
Moving on, I wanted to touch base on KSI Doctor 7’s journey; where he has come from, his achievements, successes and mistakes, and more. Doctor responded with a very detailed story, of his life and experiences within KSI.
With a heartfelt response, Doctor began with his story.
My journey was filled with strife and conflict. When I joined back in 2012, into FN A7X, it was an MW3 squad. This was right before the Era of Black Ops 2. TheA?two people in that squad who I worked with the most, were KSI Kilimanjaro and KSI Face. We took that squad, and put it to the task. We did this by getting it up to standards, and making it active in every aspect possible; forums, recruiting, training, you name it.
We continued grinding and growing the squad and eventually, we were going to split and did so. But way too early. It ended badly with it being tough to fluff, and members being lost in the process. Then it got even tougher when my division leader got blacklisted for being associated with a blacklisted community. From there we lost the main part of our 7a??s staff, which really hurt us.A? All that was left of SH, was my squad practically. I was the only active General around, and who had front line access.
Things went on and in January of 2013, I got into the department of Awards and Achievements Program (AAP) which handled the OSa??s and awards in general on the forums. Later on, I eventually got Co-Head as well after being in for a couple of months in 2013.
Now, back to clan ops. I was a general for about 10 months and was promoted to Co-Founder. My squad never splitA? yetit was very active and successful, the biggest squad meeting we had was 30 people. Next up is when I got moderator which was in January of 2013 as I had been hanging with Cero and I asked about being a section mod mainly being over the general section and he told me if I could get more actions than Luci (KSI Luci Lux 7) Ia??d get moderator on the forums and I took it to task and did it!
July 2013 was the around the time I got Co-Founder in SH and on that same day I got Senior Mod and about a month later I then made Founder. I went away for a bit on a school trip and when I returned SH was in shambles and we never did recover, unfortunately. All squads were put in CO (Covert Ops) and from there I stepped away from Clan Ops and stuck to Web Ops.
Fast forward a little and I returned to Clan Ops into Paradox IO (IO is now EO) where I helped out with simple things like giving advice and eventually training people. I was a SGT there for the longest time since I didna??t have much time to do other things. Web Ops and real life stuff took up a lot of my time. Later on, I went into Vendetta IO which is still around and at that time I was promoted to CDM since my contributions in Web Ops were very significant. After around 9 months I stepped down due to real life yet, I continued to be an Admin.
The Destination
“Around last year’s Turkey Bowl was when I made my return to full speed working in KSI helping members and leaders alike with a variety of issues on the forums and some clan ops. From there on out I pushed forums heavily and my contributions once again got me promoted. That is what got me into my current position of CTO or Chief Technical Officer.”
Wanting a little background on his role, and responsibilities, I asked what he does as our Chief Technical Officer. Doctor explained, “I clean up the forums and make sure they run smoothly essentially. I help fix bugs and implement new updates and additions to the forums. I also put people in groups like the ones you see on the forums for members who are in a department or another rank/title.”
Interview to be continued on Nov. 30