Fri. Mar 14th, 2025

Monthly 7 Spotlight: KSI Gary 7 – January 2018

Learn more about KSI Gary 7, Monthly 7 Spotlight for January 2018!

Introduction to KSI Gary 7

KSI Gary 7 is currently a Co-division leader in Divine Warriors, otherwise known as DW. He is also the head of the Productions department within KSI. Due to his hard work and diligence, he was won the Monthly 7 Spotlight for January! Make sure to congratulate him.

The History

Gary was recruited by KSI AK47 MOB in November of 2016. He saw a post for a Battlefield 1 club and decided it would be a good idea to join. Little did he know, he would find an online home.

However, the reason he stayed and rose through the ranks was much more complex than that.

Even though he had begun to create friendships, Gary’s motivation was rooted at a deeper point. Unfortunately, the majority of the divisional leadership ended up leaving, so Gary made it his mission to make the division something he could be proud of.

Gary says, “Right now, my division is doing awesome! I truly enjoy leading a division and enjoy the fact people look up to me!”

Winner Worthy Material

KSI Kamikaze708, a dedicated KSI member, praises Gary and his work within KSI.

“This guy deserves this award for his on going dictation to DW. He holds the division to great standards. He works tirelessly to get his work in the division done on a daily basis. Gary will also jump into parties to make sure everyone is doing alright and will jump into some games with us. I see great things ahead in his future with KSI.”

Fun Facts

The motivation from this leader is simply astounding. Motivated in the throes of despair, Gary believes he will just keep achieving more. When asked about what he would like his KSI career to look like, he simply stated, “I have made it this far, so why stop there? I guess I just want to see just how far I get in this community.

When asked about his nicknames, Gary audibly smiles. “Gary is indeed my nickname but isn’t my real name, but that is a story for another day! I also answer to Garyetta, that came about from the 2017 spirit week.” You can find proof of this on our twitter, #KSIGlobalGaming.

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