Of The Year Awards 2019
2019 fades as we get ready to enter a new year of gaming and fun. Why not take a moment to honor those who have worked so hard with and for this great community we share?
By: KSI TexAngel 7
Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, and gamers alike. It is that magical time of year for KSIa??s annual Of The Year awards. The biggest leaders and stars of KSI award our communities best of the best Of The Awards. Nominations open November 15, 2019 and are open till December 13, 2019.

Head over to the KSI forums and take the time to recognize the amazing leaders and members of our community divisions and squads. Ita??s a little something we can all do to support our members. Showing them that we see the amazing work they do or activity they display. Remember it’s not always about receiving the award it’s about being recognized and appreciated. Be as detailed you can, but also be honest and kind. One of the best tools we have to show appreciation is a simple nomination for this prestigious award.
In closing, KSI will be hosting the Of The Year Awards Live on twitch.tv/ksilive. So be sure to get the popcorn ready, the drinks cooled, and the parties linked up and ready support all our nominees and divisions!