Wed. Jan 15th, 2025

Progression in KSI: Discord

Discord is a messaging app that is being used by many members in KSI. Should more use it? Yes.


In the last few months, KSI has been holding trials with a messaging app called Discord. The transition, so far, hasn’t been great. Many people refuse to even give it a try.A?This article is writtenA?inA?the hopeA?of shedding some light on the possibilities of Discord.

Lately, I have been gathering opinions from members throughout KSI that haveA?used Discord.A?The biggest, mostA?negative point that wasA?discovered is that the application is quite complicated to set up.

Once members started using Discord regularly, they were surprised to discover that it was quite simple to navigate. To be honest, almost everyone feels this way. However, there are stillA?quite a few peopleA?who have yet to be convinced of its benefits.

Absolutely, the initial set up is difficult. The user interface isn’t exactly perfect and doesA?not need to beA?so complicated.A?To invite someone into a chat, servers and links to codesA?must be sent. Many people feel as thoughA?it is aA?huge waste of time.


However, what people don’tA?realize is thatA?DiscordA?allows us to log into a secure private server. Online security is of the utmost importance. Clicking a link to gain access to a secure chat room meansA?that each memberA?of the chat isA?less at risk of malicious people or viruses.

The enhancements as opposed to other popular apps speak for themselves.A?Discord offers a larger
server limit, allowing for an entire division to be tied in to one chat, yet broken up into many. This allows for more organization, between ranks and squads.A?Discord also is extremelyA?accessible, via phones and laptops,A?allowing for a community feel in the squad.

The tagging feature allows for people to be contacted directly if their attention is needed orA?throughout as big ofA?a big communityA?as KSI.A?Tagging people in comments is aA?very attractive feature to have. The amount of communications that are made daily between members, squads, and divisions must be phenominal. Therefore, being able to tag some one is a great feature for a chat app.

Discord also supports voice communication, so, in theory, you could hold a workshop or a meeting;A?you couldA?use it as a tool for communicating with members who have a hard time attending events.A?Furthermore, pinning vital information to a squad chat -A?such as the rank structure or the game night schedule -A?for the whole squad to see at anytimeA?is valuable for the future and current leaders of this community.

Just try it out!

Sure,A?Discord isA?difficult to set up, andA?quite complicated at first.A?However, once you get the hang of it, Discord is just like any other messaging app,A?just with enhanced features. Discord is definitely a step in the right direction.

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