Recruit Club: Much Better Than The Tag
Recruit clubs can be beneficial to every member of KSI if we are willing to try new things and step outside of the ordinary.
The Recruit Club system has benefitted quite a few divisions already. This new ideaA?is an option to maintaining incoming recruits in a division using the Xbox One based club system.
As we have been discussing for the past few weeks with the leaders of this community, there are many different options when it comes to how a division is run.
Every division isA?managedA?differently. LeadersA?consistently come up withA?many varieties of ideas and programs that have been set upA? and changed over time.
Currently, leaders use recruit tags to add, monitor, and security check incoming recruits while they wait their 48 hours before they undergo training andA?are added to their squad tags. Only the Founder has access to this tag. Only the Founder can add or remove recruits when they are ready.
The Recruit Clubs are an Xbox One based club systemA?thatA?is createdA?on the Recruit Tag. The club stays on the tag, andA? every leader in the division above the rank of Founder is to be an admin.A?Allowing more than just the Founder to add and remove recruits allows for an even distribution of work. This allows leaders to process recruits in a timely manner, as well as efficient removal from the club.
You see, the most important difference between a recruit tag and the recruit club is that any admin of the club can remove and add recruits as necessary . With Xbox One friends lists, both parties must remove each other. This makes keeping a recruit tag completely updated slightly difficult.
Divisions have grown significantly since enforcing this onto their Recruit Tags. TI has impressed the entire community with their comeback from the brink. Leaders are able to keep track of recruits better because they no longer slip through the cracks. Less notifications go by unnoticed or unread because Xbox SmartGlass works hand in hand with these clubs to push notifications.
I highly recommend any division who does not use the Recruit Club system to at least give it a try. Sometimes, as leaders, we run by trial and error. With the Recruit Club system, you can try it.
If you don’t like how it works, you can always go back. If you like how it works, then you’ve found a new way to benefit your division. Others are succeeding using this method, so it must be helpful at least in some manner.