Regicide! Weekend Warfare goes to Halo 4
Weekend Warfare will be a 4 v. 4 tournament on Halo 4 this weekend.
Weekend Warfare is heading back to the Xbox 360 this weekend by way of Halo 4.
As usual, the tournament will begin at 7 p.m. EST and you must have your team signed up at least an hour before that time.
The game type (if you couldn’t tell by the title) will be Regicide, and it will be a 4 v. 4 tournament.
The link to sign up for this Weekend Warfare event is: http://www.ksiweekendwarfare.org/tournaments.php?tourney[id]=47
Any questions about the event or T&E in general can be directed toward the Department Head, KSI Havoc 7, or any other T&E member.