The Road to Co-Div: KSI True 7
Demonic Mayhem Co-Div Leader KSI True 7 opens up about her KSI journey.
So for my first article I decided to interview my Demonic Mayhem Co-Div Leader, KSI True 7. She was happy to oblige.
To give you a small summary about her, KSI True 7 started in KSI as a recruit back in February 2014. She is a very successful and well-liked member in our Division and community.
Q.A? So True, how did you come to join KSI?
A.A? I was hanging out with a few of the female leaders who had been playing with me for hours throughout the night. KSI Harmony 7 & KSI Smokiey 69 were really awesome people and as I was getting off to go to bed, they had asked me if I would like to join. I told them that if all the members in KSI were like them I wanted to be a part of it.
I was very pleased to hear True state that members had taken the time to spend time with her before they asked her to join. It’s a great personal touch.
Q.A? So True, what was the recruiting and training process like for you when you first joined?
A.A? The recruiting process was simple and easy to understand. Whereas, the training process was a bunch of gibberish upon my first time hearing it. I listened and was respectful but OH MY GOODNESS! So many ranks!
I had to giggle to myself before I continued with my questions.
Q. Ok True, what squad did you join into as a Private and how was your experience there as a new member?
A. Well, I was recruited into Menace DM back in 2014. I went to game nights every night. No matter what time it was, someone was always on playing Halo in my squad. The friendliness and activity was phenomenal!
She had then stated that because she was a new female member and changed her gamertag to reflect KSI within her first week joining that she got a lot of attention right away.
Q. Now True, when you moved up the ranks to become an Officer, what did you do to stick out from your other Officers?
A. I recruited like crazy. Went to every game night. Tried to be as pleasant as I could be all around. Once I figured out how everything worked I started my own lists of promotions/trainings in my squad and made sure everything was done correctly.
Q.A? Out of curiosity True, did you have any rivalries on your way to General?
A.A? The only problem I had coming up the ranks was a member called KSI Rage Wolf. He had a hissy fit after we squad split Menace to Brutal. He left out of anger and started poaching. As for an actual rivalry, even though KSI Bandit 777 was my mentor, she was also my biggest rival.
Q. True, can you tell me what members you looked up to and who helped you become the member you are today?
A. KSI Havoc 7, KSI Harmony 7, KSI Bandit 777 were my role models.
Q. Alright True, once you became General, how did you like it?
A. Honestly, it’s one of my favorite ranks. It’s one of the most hands-on ranks in KSI and I was able to say that the squad was mine. I was so proud of the members in my squad and division. If I ever had to step down for any reason I would want to be a General again.
Q. So, how did you earn your rank as a Co-Div?
A. I worked my butt off for my 7’s to show them that I wanted the promotion. I went to every General meeting, made sure I passed on all the knowledge they gave me to my squad as efficiently as possible.
Since she took the time out of her job to have this interview with me I asked her one more question.
Q. Ok True, here is my final question. Now that you are Co-Div, how do feel about it?
A. I love it. I have the best Generals & 7’s staff. It gets stressful at times but you can hear it in my voice when I talk about DM, that I love my division. I love being able to handle problems the way they should be handled.
Q.A? If you have any words to say for all those new members and Officers who one day might become a 7, what would they be?
A.A? KSI is a family. We all have our moments where nothing goes right and everyone gets frustrated but at the end of the day we manage to remind each other the fact that we are family and we can make it through anything. You give your best to KSI and KSI will give you the best it has.