Weekend Warfare: Smite 3v3 Joust
Weekend Warfare 12/2/17: Smite 3v3 Joust results are in. Come check out the facts!
This weekend we had an extremely competitive Weekend Warfare: Smite Joust 3v3 tournament! Bringing in a wide spread of players from lower tiers, all the way up to Platinum, Diamond and Masters.
Our hosts for this Weekend Warfare event: KSI Breakfast 7, KSI Hebrew 7, KSI Furian 7
streamed by our very own: KSI Fireheart 7.
We had 5 groups of 3, teams as follows:
Jigsaw’s team
KSI JessiRedJet
KSI Joker74
AphroRhys’ team
KSI AphroRhys
KSI De5stroyer17
Ganking’s team
KSI Ganking
KSI Mirage
Sony vs yo mom
xXsandman1013Xx’s team
Mr Stunkgolf
Jason v4’s team
KSI Tio Titah
(Substitutes – KSI HEBREW 7, MythicalMan 117)
Round 1
xXsandman1013Xxa??s teamA? A? A? A? A? A? Jigsawa??s team
BaccusA? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A?Neith
MedusaA? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A?Skadi
CabrakenA? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A?Kuzenbo
xXsandman1013Xxa??s team went the usual double tank composition. This is currently the meta due to being able to gain large amounts of early game pressure. Thus, Jigsawa??s team got early countered with physical defense due to most of their damage being mostly physical. The game ended with xXsandman1013Xxa??s team winning 23 kills to 3 kills.
Gankinga??s Team VS AphroRhysa?? team
In this case, AphroRhys decided to ban Sony vs yo mom and Gankinga??s best gods, Medusa and Cu Chulainn. Moreover, they unfortunately had to leave open the 2 best guardians, Artio and Cabrakan, by doing so. Gankinga??s team picked into those and Cernunnos.
AphrosRhys’ teamA?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A? Gankinga??s team
RavanaA?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A? Artio
NoxA?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A? Cabraken
HachimanA? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? Cernunnos
In the end of it all, Gankinga??s team ended up winning the the early game snowball, leading into a landslide victory of 14-1 kill with Gankinga??s team winning.
Round 2
Gankinga??s teamA?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A? xXsandman1013Xxa??s team
AnhurA?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A? Cu Chulainn
Ganesha A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A?A?A? Baccus
CabrakenA?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A? Apollo
Gankinga??s team lost first blood in the early game but came back with an overwhelming win of 16 to 4
double guard compositions seemingly to be taking the lead this tournament
Round 3
Gankinga??s teamA?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A? Snixa??s team
Xing tianA?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A? Sobek
AresA?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A? Ravana
MedusaA?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A? Hou Yi
Snixa??s team had the better early game composition and should have had a lot of pressure. In this case, Gankinga??s team focused around burning their purification beads and won the engagements off of pulling the Hou Yi into Xing Tian/Ares ultimate’s. Gankinga??s team winning 13-0
Going into the very heated final battle both teams agreed to do all hunters with no defense for the final game.
Gankinga??s TeamA?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A? xXsandman1013Xxa??s Team
Ah MuzenA?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A? Cab Hou Yi
ArtemisA?A?A?A?A?A?A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A?A?A?A? Medusa
CernunnosA?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A? Chiron
Notably, this was a moderately close game but Gankinga??s team took the victory 18 to 9!
Final Standings Being:
1st place:
Team Captain: KSI Ganking
KSI Mirage
Sony vs yo mom
2nd place:
Team Captain; xXsandman1013Xx
Mr Stunkgolf
3rd place:
Team Captain: Jason v4
MythicalMan 117
Summing up this weekenda??s Weekend Warfare we had a modest turnout of players from around the community! They got to enjoy what KSI and more specifically, what our Tournaments and Event team brings to the table. Look forward to our next event, being 3v3 Rainbow Six Siege! Link to the sign ups posted below.
In addition, if you are interested in seeing the full games and final event follow the link below: