Fri. Mar 14th, 2025

Someone Loves Me

From one person to the next, we share our love and thanks to all members within KSI! Come see what everyone had to say!

Love is in the Air! Here are some lovely messages from members to those they care about in the community.

From KSI Tipsey
To KSI Tea 7

You’re so fucking amazing and gorgeous ? The absolute sweetest human being. Love you so fucking much girl. Happy Valentine’s ?

From KSI Swag 77

First off pause, but love my boy Venum , love him like a brother, he always has my back and always there when I need him , much love to my guy , Daddyyyyyyyyy lol pause ayoooooo

From KSI Nezuko
To KSI Rizz 7

Through the darkest times and gloomiest days, I’ll always be the light that makes the dark go away, with all my strength and all my might, I’ll be the First and Last person to help make things right. The past is the past and memories we’ve made, are but precious and can never be replaced. The time i was recruited, To you, my Co-Fo, Our CKO, My Best Friend, i’d go back in time just to re-live it again.

From iGeordie93
To KSI Tea 7

You know. There isn’t a single person that hasn’t had my back and been there to support me through troubling times both physically and mentally other then Tea. She is a busy woman dealing with her own life. Balancing work. Social. And KSI, however she still seems to be able to find the time to do her checks on me to make sure I’m still here. And still letting me know that no matter how dark my thoughts. Feelings and emotions are, that there truly are people out there who care for me in ways that people around me don’t. This level of respect. Care. And all round love is the whole reason why I am sending this to you and I just want to be able to express my own love, respect , gratitude in a more significant way then it may come across. From day one we clicked and over time our journey together getting to know one another and build to this level has been nothing but an everlasting pleasure to me. If there are people out there that haven’t built a relationship with Tea then I do apologise however you are truly missing out. We always come to each other to see how the other has gotten on but not just from the day to day. But the laughing highs and tear filled lows. I just want to make sure that you know you are never taken fro granted and someone somewhere cares for you in ways you Don’t realise thank you. Not for going out your way or stepping up. But simply thank you for just being who you are all day everyday. Never change . From me to you. Your valentines.

From KSI Sasuke08
To KSI Path 7

Just wanna say I appreciate you and everything you do for vanquish

From KSI Atom 7
To KSI Dropshot 7

Don’t pipe down, you’re not worthless. You’re a champion. I hope your career is plagued with copious success. I consider you a great friend of mine.

From KSI xK1ngtut
To KSI xSmitty

I met smitty for the first time in KSI and we instantly clicked, he has been my best friend for years now and has become my closest friend. He is always willing to help me out when needed and help others. Just want to thank him for everything he has done for me and for others.

From KSI Stryker
To KSI WldMama7

Thank you for recruiting me in even though it was Swag. Even though we get on each other’s nerves sometimes during game nights that we have but thank you for being a great friend and great person.

From KSI DaKeech
To KSI Kheelik

To my oldest friend in KSI, I’m happy to see you around in KSI everyday. You have such a great personality and make this community great. Keep up your hard work.


To all our years of friendship, we’ve watched each other mature and grow as people. thank you for always being there and keeping me level headed when I wasn’t at my best. I hope this year is nothing but the best for you. You’re the best! Thank you for being my valentines!

From KSI xSmitty
To KSI Hatter 77

Just want to start off by saying Thank you for being the best Co-Founder / General I have had yet in KSI. You make it smooth and simple, as well as a great experience within the community.

From KSI Slick 7
To KSI Uppish 7

Same as last year lol He may be rough around the edges sortve like a rusty truck. But he’s always reliable and someone you can count on to get the job done. May require some starting fluid but he’ll get going and once he does he golden.

From MrsRobbyHart

You have never failed to always be there for me when I needed you, and I want you to know how special you are to me! I love you and can’t wait to squeeze your beautiful face when you get here ???????? I better stop this mushy letter ahead of time ? lol! Thank you for always being you and kicking ass while doing it!

To KSI xSwag 7

Tried and True. I’ve had many laughs because of you. You have been good friend. Hope we can continue our trend.

From KSI Rogue 77

We have known each other for so long and have been through a lot together. You have always been there for me, and I hope to always be there for you. I am truly honored to call you a friend/xbox husband and even more honored to be your KSI Valentine! Love you Gambit ??

From KSI Deku
To KSI Stack


From Loyalty
To Dark Angel

Dark is someone who I have came up along side in KSI and who I have watched grow leaps and bounds and someone I was sad to see leave my department but doing so has placed her on a trajectory that has seen her outgrow many people. I aspire to have a fraction of her determination.

From obsidian666x
To blanddragon4753

Dear, love I know I don’t say the three magic words I love you as often as you but through the hellish ups and the saddest downs and the average middles I cherish each and every hour second and minutes we have. I know im a huge pain but what is love with out pain. thanks to you i know im not alone when I have mental breaks. dragon you are my world my air I need. you believe in me when I dont. thank you for everything.

From MilknMonke69
To KSID0ngus

You’re so sweet i hope you have a great valentines and thank you so much for helping me in KSI <3

To MrsRobbyHart

Uh, I remember we went to the Grand Canyon one time. We were flying there and I’d never been there before and Linda had, so you would think that she would give me the window seat but she didn’t and… not that that’s a big deal, you know. It’s just there were a lot of little things like that. I know that sounds stupid… It’s the little things that count. I know most people won’t understand this who paragraph but we do. It’s the little things that brought us to being best friends. #May2023?

From SenshiLove
To KSI Aether

Valentine’s Day sucks, but you don’t. LOL

From KSI Sub 7
To KSI Paradox7

Keep up the great work man I appreciate everything you do and everything you will do in the future. You are one of my closest friends and I see you as my mentor

From KSIxP1nh3ad

This Valentine’s day will be our first together in while somethings have changed but not everything you will always be the only person that I have ever loved you will always be that person that will always lift me up when I’m down the person that will always make my days so much better because you’re here with me, I love you

From BrightSapphire1
To Greyanigh84

Just thought I’d send ya a friendly valentine! Lol I know you’ll kill me for this but to make up for that here is our latest song craze ??? “YOU’VE GOT TO ACCENTUATE THE POSITIVE, ELIMINATE THE NEGATVE”-M3GAN Ps, Hope this brightens your day even a little, love ya! -Bright

From GreyaNigh84
To BrightSapphire1

Hey Bestie, just wanted to let you know I care about you and that I appreciate everything you’ve done for me 🙂

From KSI Rizz 7
To KSI Shatner7

Gonna keep it short sweet and simple, not sure what I’d do without ya brother. You’ve helped me in IRL situations way beyond my understanding that I’m not sure I would’ve been in a good state with when everything was said and done. You’ve became family over the past few years, I appreciate everything you do for me. Keep on hooniepoppin Sir Shatner!

From KSI Swanny
To EZChocolate

Glad you’ve decided to come back to KSI where you belong!!! I can’t wait to see what you achieve this time around!

From KSIChiefyBoi
To KSI Stack

To my favorite KSI dude

From KSI StarFire
To KSI Path 7

I’ve had a million little ideas that I’ve been tossing around in my head. I’ve thought about what this Valentines note should say, whether playing it safe and just saying I love you or making it more personal but age appropriate since we don’t want the whole world of KSI to read something soppy or even embarrassing, or do we??? How does one actually express their love for someone when, even though they don’t particularly like to show affection when others are around but to keep it safe and secure? So I’ll leave you with this I’ve loved you for years in have loved you with my whole being. My feelings for you greatly pleasures my stone-cold ass heart, lol. I hope we never drift apart but grow closer in the coming years. I do hope we never drift apart even though we, of course, have our flaws, but I hope we will continue to power through them. Love you, hun; by the way, since I said it last, I actually finally won a match.

To KSI Slick 7

Slick you’ve done a lot for me and taught me a bunch too. And one of these days I’m gonna get u in a Halo Friday. MAYBE even a GTA gamenight. Been a HOT minute since I’ve done one of those. So in appreciation of all you’ve done, I wrote you this poem. Roses are red, violets aren’t blue, you think you’re slick. I love you too <3 PS you’re cute lol

From KSI iChief
To KSI Tea 7

Am I being a good noodle?

From KSI Azrael 7
To KSI Nezuko

Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, I’m coming for your job, so here’s a need a job sign for you.

From KSI Stack
To KSI Hatter 77

From one trash talker to another You have a sense of humor like no other

From KSI WldMama7

Your insight and support through everything has been amazing and this journey would not have been the same without you!!

From KSI Mamatank
To KSID0ngus

Happy Valentines day KSID0ngus you are the best

From Ksi juicejay
To Ksi sparks

Keep up the good work

From KSI Tea 7
To iGordie93

G there isn’t enough I can say about our friendship and how much you mean to me. Those who I call family are far a few between but you have been a rock for me and others. You deserve this more than anyone after the hell you been through last year. And it’s not just me, you were loved and missed by everyone that you had encountered in this community and you continue to be loved here. You are an amazing Artist, you are funny as hell, and you do your absolutely best every single day. I love you and no matter what you are family to me. Keep up the amazing work and keep getting stronger!

To KSI DallasOG

Be my uncle?

From TKW clyde
To KSI Assault1

He so nice to me. When I join. KSI He’s like a brother to me. He’s been really nice. We play play apex together?

From KSI Celebi

He deserved it because he has been a good friend to me and an awesome officer!

To KSI WldMama7


From KSI Kenzo215
To KSI Mamatank

Thank you for having me, you guys are all I have.

From KSID0ngus

Thank you for being a great captain and teaching me all that I know. You’ve helped me more than you can ever realize and I truly appreciate you for that

To KSID0ngus

I appreciate everything you do for ksi so I would like to send you this in the terms of I value you as a friend and a great asset to ksi I belive with the right motivation and dedication you too can go very far you may not notice it but you manage to have a lot of people gravitate towards you too use that to your advantage and influence people in the right way 🙂 keep up the good work

From KSI Shadw
To KSIDongus

Best surprise to walk into my life, hope you have a great day. see where our road leads in time ?

From KSI Fae
To Tea 7

You are my valentine

From KSI Hatter77

To KSI Bacchus 7

I’m not going to get sappy, because well, yeah. Or maybe I will, who knows. But thank you. For everything. For being an old mentor, to a friend, and turning into a brother that I’ve been able to count on and go to for years. Your love and affliction helps me through, even on the dreariest of days. I’m not sure I would still be around this group of amazing people if it weren’t for you. You will always be my favorite Cajun. Who’d have thought, almost 10 years later and we’re still here in the thick of things. Love you always broski. Now, GET TO WORK!!!

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