Spirit Week Day 2: Halo 4
It was a great night of Halo swag and friendly competition.
Day 2 of Spirit Week started off on a slow note, but finished with a bang.
With everyone excited to watch the multi team tournament on Twitch, the viewers were met with unpleasant technical difficulties for about an hour and a half.
Viewers still made the best of the delay in the chat though, with many giving hashtags for the respective divisions.
The Xbox One Halo 4 tournament started first with Demonic Mayhem cruising to victory over second place Last Strike and third place Ground Zero.
“I liked the team objective and the craziness of multi-team and we had fun,” KSI Hydrotech from the Ground Zero said.
The Xbox 360 tournament started after a delay with the Wicked Intent team edging it out over the Demonic Mayhem, which finished second place.A? Last Strike team finished third place.
One of the members from Wicked Intent, KSI Skullseeker, said, “It was chaotic with the amount of people trying to capture the hill. I had lots of fun.”
After the tournaments, the winners of each tournament faced off against a Board of Director team consisting of KSI Fuzzymeep 7, KSI Paratroop 7 and KSI Ragnaroks 7.
The board members split the 2 games with a close win over Wicked Intent and a loss to Demonic Mayhem.
The highlight of the tournament may have happened during the Wicked Intent – BOD match when, at the very end of the game, a member from the Wicked Intent team shot and killed KSI Greg 7, who was just spectating.
Some technical issues reared its ugly head again, and the stream had to be cut short, but it was a great night of Halo swag and friendly competition.
Halo 4 on Xbox One:
1st- DM
2nd- LS
3rd- GZ
Halo 4 on Xbox 360:
1st- WI
2nd- DM
3rd- LS
After Day 2, Last Strike and Wicked Intent are tied for 1st place with 11 points. Demonic Mayhem is sitting in 3rd with 10 points.
For the full Spirit Week tally, click here.
Division Leaders should sign up their teams for the events as quickly as possible, but since Day 3 features Karaoke, click here toA?view the sign-ups. (Sign-ups will close 30 minutes before the event begins.)