Fri. Mar 7th, 2025

Spirit Week Day 5: Award Show

Spirit Week 2015 has come to a close. Here’s what happened during the closing award show.

KSI Spirit Week 2015 has drawn to a close. It was a week of many firsts for the community.

Wicked Intent won its first ever Spirit Week Championship while Demonic Mayhem finished second. Last Strike and Ground Zero had to test out the new tie-breaking system to decide third place.

Even though WI only won the event by 1 point, there is no arguing that they dominated the field.

“No division ever had as many votes as WI did during the forums challenge this year,” Chief of Staff KSI QueenJess 7 said. “I’m thoroughly impressed. Then on Halo you came in and wrecked the house.”

WI took home first place on the forums challenge, the Halo 4 Xbox 360 tournament and Karaoke. Those first place finishes were enough to keep them ahead despite not placing in either Advanced Warfare tournament.

They won a Xbox One to give away in a divisional tournament.

“It feels pretty good. We feel more legitimate now,” WI Co-Division Leader KSI Lafayette 7 said. “We’ve always felt like part of the group, but this is the cherry on top.”

DM took home first on the Halo 4 Xbox One tournament, second place on Karaoke and third place on the Advanced Warfare Xbox One tournament. The division received a $100 Scuf gift card to be used during a divisional tournament.

“I don’t even care if we finished second,” DM Co-Division Leader KSI BANDIT 777 said. “I’m so proud of this division. They did great.”

LS did end up defeating GZ in Happy Wars during the Award Show to take home third place and a $60 game download code to be given away to a member.

Throughout the week, technical difficulties plagued the event and made viewing on Twitch difficult, but the viewers soldiered on and made the most of their time mingling with their fellow members.

KSI QueenJess 7 also unveiled the challenge wheel for the party hosts to do. Each host had a challenge to complete.

  • KSI FuzzyMeep 7 had to chug a beverage on video
  • KSI ImPeRiiuM 7 had to give a presidential campaign speech
  • KSI QueenJess 7 had to post a selfie to social media
  • KSI CheddarBob 7 had to freestyle
  • KSI Luci Lux 7 had to speak like an American
  • KSI Paratroop 7 had to tell an embarrassing poop story
  • KSI PR3DATOR 7 had to “Whip”
  • KSI Greg 7 had to sing “I Feel Like a Woman”

The challenge wheel appeared to be a big hit from the chat reactions. KSI Greg 7 got several marriage proposals for his beautiful Shania Twain impersonation.

As the event wound down, KSI Scotland 7 asked Jess for a challenge of his own.

Jess’ response?

“I challenge EF to split in the next six months.”

So the gauntlet has been thrown, and it’s been recorded.

It was previously announced during the Pep Rally that a King or Queen would be announced during the Award Show, and KSI AtomXGen used the following video to secure his division a bonus point and his title as Spirit Week King. He will receive a custom controller for his spirit.


How I do a Jennifer Lopez @ksi_global_official #KSISpiritWeek

A video posted by Brandon Morales (@ksi_atomxgen) on

Above all, it was a time for the community to come together, compete in a friendly manner, and enjoy what the community has to offer.

Not every division won big points, and outside the top-5, there was a drop in points. But each division showed up and competed to the best of their ability to make their divisions proud.

Even though there is always room for improvement, KSI Spirit Week 2015 showed the grit and determination, along with the camaraderie and friendship that will keep KSI afloat and prosperous as one of Xbox’s biggest and best communities.

“Best Spirit Week we’ve ever had,” CEO KSI FuzzyMeep 7 said. “Hands down.”

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