SYTYCW: Ideas!
SYTYCW September Results! Check out our new Fantasy Football articles – coming soon.
So You Think You Can Write: Ideas Results
We asked KSI what they wanted to hear, then we asked KSI to vote on what they wanted to hear the most. The results were shocking to the News team, but not to the members.
KSI GenghisKhan asked that we highlight KSI Fantasy Football! This, of course, prompted the News team to ask KSI Bearded 7 to rejoin for the purpose of covering Fantasy Football.
KSI Skarzx 77 asked to see game reviews of new games – which we already do – however, this did prompt us to publish a Destiny 2 review.
KSIGGKayPiccolo asked to see some of the similarities and differences between Destiny 1 and Destiny 2, which, fortunately, were included in the Destiny 2 review.
Please congratulate these winners on their dedication to helping make this community a better place with participation.
Trick or Treat!
For the month of October, the So You Think You Can Write competition is themed towards Halloween! Tell us about your favorite KSI trick or treat!
If you have a hard time figuring out what that means or what to write, the thoughts that pop into my head when reading that include trolls for promotions, new job titles, pranks pulled on fellow members.
The winners of October’s So You Think You Can Write competition will be published on the day of Halloween. Ohhh, spooky!
Participate in our competition every month for a chance to win the “Write Right” award on the forums as well as recognition throughout the community. Please share your thoughts and ideas for KSI to hear!
We need more members to participate, so spread the word and join the News team!