Sat. Mar 15th, 2025

SYTYCW Winner: December 2018

December’s So You Think You Can Write Winner is announced! The topic last month was “Christmas Song Lineup”. Check out who won First Place!

Decembera??s So You Think You Can Write topic was:

Christmas Song Lineup: We wanted to know your favorite Christmas songs and why they’re so important to you. We judged submissions based on originality, creativity and whether or not they include Mariah Carey’s “All I Want For Christmas”.

1st Place


  • Division Leader of Dark Legions & KSI Court Judge
Art by Tavie

2nd & 3rd Place

KSI Jynxie (ES) & KSIDntAskImAwfl (DM)

Many thanks to everyone who participated last month! Remember, taking part in SYTYCW always earns your division points towards the Divisional Cup.

January’s SYTYCW is open through the 27th! We want to know who your “Ride-Or-Die” was in 2018! Head to the News Section to post your submission.

– KSI December 77 and the News Team

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