SYTYCW Winner: May 2019
Winner winner, chicken dinner. Check it out. May’s SYTYCW results are in!
Maya??sA?So You Think You Can WriteA?topic was a??What’s Your Happy Place?a??
Where do you go to relax after a hard day? Is it a physical place? Or do you pick up a hobby for a bit? Getting some Goat YogaA?in? Or just sitting down with a cup of tea? We asked the community to share what their happy places are. Here are the top three submissions!
1st Place Winner
- KSI Ambwub
When I was very young I started swimming lessons at a local school which hosted them. And just to give you a visual I still look like a baby hippo in water. But you would always find me in the water, wether it was a pool, a pond, a bath, I just loved water when I was young. A year or so into my swimming lessons and collected badges on my orange towel and my sisters pink one (she went along with me, and she looks more like a mermaid than a baby hippo) I had an accident. There was a float which the kids would sit on for the last hour of the swimming lessons. I got caught underneath it and began to drown. I still remember the feeling of panic and confusion because I didna??t know what that feeling was. After being dragged out of the pool by the trainer I never touched water again until a few years later. It took me a long while to start swimming again but my mother was very patient with me and helped me, armbands and all. We would go to Greece every couple of years and I loved being in the pool and I began to love swimming again. Every time I was sad I began to swim, something on my mind I swam. I lost my stuffed monkey toy and cried my eyes dry, whilst I swam. When I was entering my teens we headed for one last time to Greece as a family and I was pushed in the pool by another girl, not realising this story. I was pushed into the deep end and smacked my head of the wall on the way down. My mother screamed and jumped into the pool fully dressed holding her favourite book and summer bag including her electronics.A?
Once I came to the surface I cried again of shock but I stayed in the pool , in the deep end, and I began to breathe normally again. I was fine, I wasna??t scared. My mother hugged me and we went about our day and that night my mother bought me the most amazing chocolate milkshake Ia??ve ever had, and I crave that exact milkshake still to this day.A?
A year or so ago, I had an accident again. I fell down some concrete stairs and caused nerve damage from the waist down. I also slipped a disk in my back. I still struggle with this to this day and see doctors about it. My physical therapist recommended swimming. I hadna??t been swimming in years and I went to swim at the local swimming baths. Ia??ve recently lost someone very dear to me and I remembered how much swimming helped me in the last. So I began to go a lot more often than what was recommended to me but I didna??t and dona??t care.A?
Little baby hippo with goggles too big for my face, and a nose clip. I dive under the water and sit on the bottom and feel the water around me, pushing me and pulling me each way, I focus on nothing more than what I can feel and I find peace. I find my centre and get brought back down to earth. Could be for a minute could be for an hour but in that moment nothing matters and ita??s just about me and the water.A?
My happy place: Underwater.
KSI Ambwub
2nd Place
- KSI Jynxie
3rd Place
- KSI Skarzx 77
Many thanks to everyone who participated last month! Remember, taking part in SYTYCW earns your division points towards the Divisional Cup! Get out there and participate!
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